I am Back to WA, Please help me!!!

Last Update: April 13, 2012

I became a member of the community in December, 2010 after I have spent huge amount of resource, energy and time to ensure that I have an online business. I have invested in products, trainings, seminars etc all in the name of having a business of mine and to fight poverty that has been a major challenge in my family. On the estimate I have spent not less than $5000 to $6000 on internet business.

When I came in contact with WA in December, 2010, I was very happy and taught that I have come to Eldora do, not knowing that, I have just started. I stayed for two months before I opted for an annual subscription in February, 2011. I was determined to stay with WA no matter what the challenge might be since I have determined that I must have an online business.

I love what is being offer at WA and the support that is coming from Kyle, Carson and every member. If you notice I ask lots of questions. However, I am not happy because ALL these have not translated to any success for me. 14 months in WA did not give me desired success. My initial plan was that by the time I should be paying for my second annual subscription I should be able to have made money that will take care of that bill but that was not the case.

My challenge in the last 14 months

• Overwhelming training and resources, before one training is half way another is appealing

•  Having technical issues/challenges on building sites, writing content that will make people take action, finding products that suit your niche etc

• Not knowing what will sell as an affiliate

• Keep learning and not being able to implement.

All these and many more make one get frustrated easily when it comes to online business.

My advice for K and C (Kyle and Carson) they should device a means whereby they see to what members are doing, if a member should go for annual subscription after six to nine months they should be interested in what he is doing.

Finally, I face a lot of challenges before I could be back to the community that I will write in my second post, however, I need help so that I can record success. I am not a lazy person, I don’t give up easily. I have been into this business since January, 2009 and have not recorded success.

Those of you that have made it in this business show us how we too can have success,

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Tinydot Premium
Okay here is my 2 cents...in the form of buckshot

First off Cham, Dee and Jon are spot on...secondly.....

LEE ...Pick ONE niche and immerse yourself in it....live it breathe it wake it, sleep it think about those very real people who will be your readers...Meditate...they have problems & you can help them...not as an authority but as a pretty smart friend they can trust or lean on for answers...

So how will you ever have answers..if you don't know their questions & concerns...... RESEARCH ...go to the forums sign up & ENGAGE....listen learn about them...they all have a story.... Do Research in all its forms....Care about your reader... forget money. ...Don't ever TELL your reader what they need!..cos you might make a dollar?

As you are more aware in your niche the products you promote will become easier to decide upon..


There..Now you can write in a way that people will trust you enough to take action...it won't happen any other way...not the first time....see what happens...3 things... you helped someone first, they took action, you get rewarded.. everyone wins.

I don't know about you ...but for me.. success is when I help someone..

The rest will fall into place piece by piece....Lee I feel your frustration....forget about Kyle & Carson... those kids are busy...I gave up asking Carson for help months ago.

The people here in the forum will help you with a lot of things....and..you already know more than you think..

I am the furthest thing from an expert at all this....but I have pushed through all those barriers you just spoke of...but it wasn't going to happen until I forgot money... I still need it, I'm still struggling...but I found success in the monitory form...you can to.

Pot Pie Girl has a recent post here somewhere..find it and do it ...

It can get overwhelming here in this vast university....that's why I'm not around...much..its easier taking action...don't worry about perfect you can catch up to that later

chamaltatis Premium
Hi there! I'm also not a very successful IMer yet (not yet) but I made IM work for me (at least I made some money). Like you, there were also times that I get discouraged. That's normal to us human beings I guess when we don't see the things we are expecting to see... Well, I don't know how to help but... hmmm... I actually went ahead and checked your sites. You said you're not lazy and I can see that with your dedication. However, dedication is not enough. You have to make your efforts work!

The problem with your http://www.leesworldinternetmarketing.com/ site is that, it is the default funnel and you did not do anything to change the content. In fact I can't see enough contents inside the site. You must be constantly adding contents to your site if you want to make money from it. My suggestion is to make a total overhaul for this site. Change the wordpress theme, write your own page contents, add blog posts, etc.

Next, I also checked on your http://www.surebodyfitness.com/ site. You have a neat looking site but guess what, you never updated your blog. And most of all you never placed any affiliate program! I saw that your site is number 3 on page 1 of google for the keyword "sure body fitness" but men, you're not monetizing it! Now do yourself a favor by adding blog posts to your site often and apply for affiliate programs on body fitness then add some affiliate links to your site for visitors to buy and make you money.

Come on men, you can do it! Watch Jay's webinars. He did a site review a lot of times and you must have grabbed those opportunities to let him review your site. Or at least you must have let other members review them.

Sorry if I'm a bit rude here. I didn't mean to but I couldn't find a better way of saying those things... Anyway, have a new start and work on your sites. While waiting for them to make money, you can also do some other IM jobs like article writing, web designing, SEO, etc.
Deezdz Premium
I agree with Jon's response below.

I'd also add, I think all of us that are building an internet business are courageous determined individuals! Give yourself credit for following your dreams and taking action.

I also feel, it's not JUST about learning the techniques of online marketing, but also MINDSET!

What are you telling yourself about your success? Are you focusing on "lack" and what is "not working" or are you focusing on all the powerful things you are learning and implementing?

Hang in there...you sound like a very determined person and if you persist...success will come!
jchilders Premium
I know it's frustrating. While I haven't been active the ENTIRE time, I've been trying to make IM work since 2008..actually a little before that, but 2008 is when I came to WA.

Reading through your blog post the problem I see, as it was for me too, was the line about getting halfway through training then seeing something else and changing. This is typically called the 'shiny object' syndrome. When you get distracted by the 'next great whiz-bang' method.

What I am doing this time around is sticking with ONE method and one method only. I've even unsub-ed from almost all the mailing lists I was on so I wouldn't be constantly bombarded with the next shiny object.

My suggestion is to find a method that you feel comfortable with and stick with it. As far as products go, find something that will help your readers not what you think will sell well. If you are not passionate about the subject, your readers will see that and not trust you enough to take your recommendations.