My First sales at Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: April 05, 2011
Though it wasn't an easy thing to achieve but I have began to see that the methods and strategies being taught at Wealthy Affiliate work. I joined the community late December, 2010. Within a month I had my first sales of  WA. I was very happy and as if that was not enough I had second sales and my monthly recurring commission is coming in as at when due. The truth is that the strategies being taught at Wealthy Affiliate work. I am at the stage of making the third and fourth sales this month. I encourage every new member in this community to learn, do, and sell the ideas you acquire at this great community.
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sherbet penny Premium
Congratulations and keep them coming.
hampushm Premium
It always hurts when I see someone who is newer than me making sales, while I haven't made a single one yet, but congratulations on your success!

Keep on working and duplicate it :D
muskyblood Premium
Congratulations, that is great! Keep it rolling!
Jamie Smith Premium
WA is truly a great community. Congrats on all your hard work and success!
danr62 Premium
Awesome, good work!