Posts by Leoemery 12
November 10, 2013
August 16, 2012
For everyone that uses YouTube they just made a major announcement on Twitter.And that is they have just made all Tags for videos only visible to the publisher of the video. This may not seem like a big deal but it is, plus it will make YouTube a lot better in the long run.You see one of the steps people use to do to get their videos more views and increase the chances of getting to the top of the searches was to find a video which was already at the top of the SERP's within the listing they
August 10, 2012
I thought I would pass on a few more resources for you.This one is for those of you who do videos (which I do a ton of)-The first one is called Video Scribe by Sparko. Have you ever seen those videos that are being drawn? Those take time and are very expensive, and not everyone has a budget for that.Well Sparko's program that does that for you it's so cool. You can now have hand drawn video done easy peeze.There is a 7 day trial and then then there is a monthly fee $19 - or you can pay b
Here's a great resource for stock video, sound effects, music, after effects, photos and illustrations.It's called Pond5.comEnjoyLeo
July 31, 2012
One of the sites I follow is Social Media - there is a new post today that has 22 of the top blogging tools being used by the top bloggers.Some really cool tools for content ideas and creation.Here is the link for you to check it out believe in youLeo
Hey everyone here is a great targeted traffic tip I was taught and you can use it too.You have probably heard of the website called Not only is this a great site to sell and buy websites it is also a great way to get targeted traffic to your web site for cheap.When you go to filppa you will see the tabs that say Featured Listing, Latest's Listing, Ending Soon and Just Sold.Click on the Just Sold link, this takes you to the sites that of course have just been sold. On this page yo
July 16, 2012
What is your intention?What do I mean?Let me ask it another way, “What are you going to do today?Let's say you have all the tools you need to build your business, you have the support and resources as well.But you don't do anything or very little at best. What do you think your outcome will be?Poor to say the least.So what was your intention?Obviously your intention was to do nothing.Each day as your building your business or just living your day to day life you have the choice of
July 11, 2012
Many people are on a limited budget when first starting out online. So here is a great FREE resource for you If you want to do a screen capture video.The program is.... They also have a pro version which is only $15 for a one year subscription.Hope this helps.I believe in youLeo
Kick Butt resource for you...I have a lot of books on marketing and writing and the one book that I always refer back to is - Make Your Words Sell - The Simple Art Of e-Persuasion. It's by Joe Robson and Ken Evoy.This is an Ebook you must have in your library. This is the copywriting bible. This book shows you how to use words to get your most wanted response from your visitors.The book is free, here's the link once there scroll to the bottom of the page and yo
July 04, 2012
This is fantastic story I had to share with you by Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards , let me know what you think.Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come and see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. Going and coming took most of a day--and I honestly did not have a free day until the following week."I will come next Tuesday, " I promised, a little reluctantly, on her third call.Next Tuesday dawned