Some More Great Resources

Last Update: August 10, 2012
I thought I would pass on a few more resources for you.

This one is for those of you who do videos (which I do a ton of)-

The first one is called Video Scribe by Sparko. Have you ever seen those videos that are being drawn? Those take time and are very expensive, and not everyone has a budget for that.

Well Sparko's program that does that for you it's so cool. You can now have hand drawn video done easy peeze.

There is a 7 day trial and then then there is a monthly fee $19 - or you can pay by the year.

Here's the link to go check it out

They have a bunch of links on their homepage so you can check things out. You can also go to there You Tube page and see this cool program in action, that link is also on their homepage.

Next is for Outsourcing

Outsourcing is one of the next steps to scaling up your business. And one of the best places to find people to do your outsourced work is in the Philippians.

Here's a link to one of the best outsourcing site:

But remember for any outsourcing job make sure you take your time to find someone who can give you proven results of their past work.

I believe in you
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Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks, can use this!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Leo. I'm going to be putting it to good use. Drawing vids sound right up my alley. Is the outsourcing site good for tech?
leoemery Premium
I have not used it for tech - buy I'm sure you can find someone - With that said the place I use to for tech (programming and such) is they use to be called rent-a-coder.
jatdebeaune Premium
Many thanks.
Hudson Premium
Leo, Hi - as usual great detail, especially the video one which I had been looking at doing but as you say was concerned at the possible cost,
leoemery Premium
You can't beat the cost a traditional scribe video can cost upwards of $2500
BIS Premium
Hi - I hadn't come across video scribe before. It looks interesting. Not sure how easy it will be to produce a decent video but I will enjoy having a go. Thanks for sharing.
leoemery Premium
I was very surprised how well the program worked - I know some of my fellow video producers have used it for clients with great success.
traykor Premium
Didn't know about video scribe. Looks pretty kewl. Thanks =)