Killer Post On Wealthy Affiliate Blog

Last Update: September 17, 2010

Hey folks

I've just blogged for the Wealthy Affiliate Blog

Please leave a comment if you like it :-)

 I think it's pretty good, as it focuses on the secret ingredient to success online.

Live Forever


 P.S. The song referenced in the post can be found here



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jatdebeaune Premium
Just wonderful Cian. I love this angle, which is one that I need to be reminded of often. You do have to delegate in order to have leverage. True of every kind of business. Tricky to find just the right people. Great article. Thanks.
leomessi Premium
Thanks Jay...can't wait to brainstorm in Vegas!! @ Brad...thanks for the compliment...I sure did write it myself :-) , it's all from stuff I've picked up on my IM journey
magistudio Premium
Nice work Cian and contrats on making to Vegas!
BradB Premium
Killer Post ????

Excellent to great I'd say.
Well done.........did you write it yourself??
Serious question by the way.

Have a decent week-end.
leomessi Premium
all comments welcome