Posts by LFZedd 8
June 09, 2011
Hello all,  today I took a major step.  I created a sales page on my website!!!  I would love it if anyone wanted to take a look and give any critiques that you might have on the whole site.  I have a couple of articles published on SA and plan to start concentrating more on that now that I have most of a site up and running.  My site is for anyone that is will to give comment, or is just interested in learning about the benefits of coconut o
June 06, 2011
Hello All, haven't put up a blog post in a few days.  It's been busy but my goal has been to do SOMETHING every day.  I believe that I have actually accomplished that much and am proud to be able to sit here and say that tonight.  I now have my website up and running with a nice front page and about me page.  I also have submitted two articles to SA and I have signed up for facebook and twitter to get some of the social networking automated gadgetry up and running for traffic
1 comment
June 02, 2011
Hello again.  I am excited to say that my website is up.  I spent the evening pouring back over the first week of emails for the 30 day club working to catch up.  I have a rudimentary draft of my first three pages up, my about me page is pretty good I think.  I am off of work (my day job) tomorrow so I hope to add pictures to the site, make a much more elaborate front page and write a couple of articles.  I think that this will have me almost caught up to where I want to
May 30, 2011
5 Days in and still excited even with the bumps and hurdles.  My website is still having issues so I am not exactly where I would like to be.  Luckily there is plenty that I can do while waiting.  Today I signed up for street articles and looked around for a bit to get a feel for categories and such so I can jump right in when my site is operational.  I also got a draft of my very first article started!!!  Hope everyone had a great memorial day.
May 29, 2011
Hello all, today was significantly better.  I did a whole lot of reading around the site.  I learned about some really great possibilities in the realm of article marketing.  I figured I would start there in my reading since that seems to be the initial direction the 30 day club is taking me.  I also got pulled into some reading on the possibilities of website flipping as I went through some profiles and added more friends to my ever growing network.  Thanks so much agai
May 28, 2011
Hello, Today was filled with reading for me.  I added some more friends to my buddy network.  Thank all of you who came and said hello on my wall.  I also got a chance to read a few training sessions, one was a top 10 tricks to use with Amazon marketing.  I am very excited to make use of that as I have dabbled a little bit with Amazon's affiliate network in the past.  Mostly I am anxious to continue with my action plan, unfortunately I wasn't able to do anything on this
May 27, 2011
Hello all.  Today was frustrating to say the least.  My task for the 30 day club was to create my blog site and get the plug ins started.  I followed the instructions as best I could and seem to have a blog created but as of now I can't access it.  Hopefully it's  just a technical issue and the site is just taking a bit longer than is usual to get things loaded up.  I will be back at it in the morning, hopefully everything will be up and running and I can hit day th
May 26, 2011
Today was big day 1!!!!  I am feeling a bit overwhelmed but I did accomplish quite a bit in the taking action category today.  I chose a niche and bought a domain name.  Can't wait to get some more done tomorrow.