Sales Page Active!!!

Last Update: June 09, 2011

Hello all,  today I took a major step.  I created a sales page on my website!!!  I would love it if anyone wanted to take a look and give any critiques that you might have on the whole site.  I have a couple of articles published on SA and plan to start concentrating more on that now that I have most of a site up and running.  My site is for anyone that is will to give comment, or is just interested in learning about the benefits of coconut oil :-D  

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Yes you need to get that sorted asap. You rank #1 for "virgin coconut oil" whilst the "net" doesn't and the "org" is parked so when searchers can access your pages you could be in business. Try asking for help in forums or PM Kyle.
andys43us Premium
It shows a database error when I try to open it. :(