Captcha Jobs - Why I Hate It...

Last Update: July 15, 2012
Captcha job is very popular now a days. All you have to do is to enter those scanned documents from image to text. I tried it cause I need a home based job that would make me some income. So when I started I started earning $.50 in 1000 words sounds good but I work for it 3 hours to just get $.50 sounds very unfair and it doesn't pay the patience in waiting for the images to pop up and my back hurts. These programs are scam, they just hac some system and let us work with a small payment amount. What I did was stop and look for another part time job that is beneficial to me. I can recommend you or register through employers there are true and not fake. A lot of job opportunities that you will find and suitable based on your experiences.

I hope I gave you some tips about looking or real jobs.

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bigstevec Premium
checked out odesk - thanks for the tip and the follow - i'm workin my butt off to make this IM gig work
your welcome bigstevec.... its free at odesk and you can start as long as you can find a good employer.. Good luck in your journey in looking for part time job..
kyle Premium
Lot's of scams out there....learn what we teach you here. I am a big advocate of doing this work for your own benefit and this is what you are going to learn here. Instead of spending 3 hours doing mindless work for someone else, you will be able to dedicate that to building your own business.
Your absolutely right kyle... thats why I like here... People are cool and approachable.. Thus this site offer newbie the possibility to extend there membership...if they do good in 10 days trial..just a suggestion...
slayton1s Premium
I gave up on the online money making niche. So I just refer people to my I.M. site whenever they need help. I got 1,000 visitors the 1st month but it's gotten down to only 10 visitors a day since I've been inactive on it. I'm just advertising WA on niches besides I.M. The I.M. niche in my mind is only for people with a large following (nowadays).
Do you know a site where we can really have earnings.. that are real? and not fake..? How do you advertise..? Give me some simple tips about it...
It's a shame that there are so many scams online. More of a shame that So Many people are lacking values. Sorry for your trouble.
Your right Meredithlonestar.. some people just dont value the time and effort being spent by those people who is searching job online to make some extra income... And i was one of the victim.,,charge to experience...