My Precious Wedding Day

Last Update: July 14, 2012

A match made in heaven, We knew we were each others Gods best….


My husband travel from far place to get married to me. My husband is a pure American and a I’m a Filipina. It was a long distance relationship but we directly connive with each other. Magic was there and its like love is in the air from Colorado USA to Philippines.

We started knowing each other July 14, 2011. We have a great conversation and that he decided to come to the Philippines and get married to me.

It was September 21 when He proposed to me. Even He was tired at the flight I didn’t expect that He will give me the ring. The moment that I’ve waiting for the rest of my life. He kneeled and say this amazing words ” Would you make me the happiest man in this world” Will you MARRY ME…..I was a bit of shock that He proposed immediately. But I was so happy and I say “YES” I will marry you and make you the happiest man in this world.


We had a Garden Wedding at Harbor Lights Hotel and Restaurant last October 9, 2012


I did not believe that a long distance relationship was possible, but I was wrong. It is a matter of how you feel for that someone is worth the sacrifice and someone is worth to wait, you’ll know for sure that time will positively come in God’s Time. I believe that love is not just loving a little, but loving all the way, and it may not to give up your life but it will require lots of sacrifices. To those that are in a long distance relationship, I know how hard it is, but I know also what will be fruit of it. If you know that its true love just like MINE, go….because love never gives up, its faith, hope and patience never fail.

This is my first blog hope you like it....

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Hola :)
ronamo Premium
Welcome to WA and thanks for sharing your story. I liked it very much. I hope you stay with us as a permanent member.
Thank you for welcoming me ronamo...How can I be a permanent member in this site..?
Labman_1 Premium
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hi... are you a new member? same as me..?
im so lost just made an account helpp!
mskathidoll Premium
Oh dear, wish I was farther ahead than that too. Hang in there Stephany, we can do this together. I need help too but I learn fast and love helping others.
If only I could help you I will... but I'm also knew in here.. maybe we can get some advices to old members...
kyle Premium
Lots of help here guys and gals...just pop into a chat when you need help with something (the live chat on the dashboard and we will be sure to help you out).

Also, if you are just starting out, make sure you work your way through the following Your First 10 training. This is the starting point for all newcomers.
mskathidoll Premium
I love all the help available. Can't wait to really get started. How are you doing?
kyle Premium
Sounds like quite the match. Congrats on your marriage! :)
Thanks Kyle... Did I pass in my first blog... :)
kyle Premium
Yeah, this blog can be used in any way you like within the community here at WA. To post stories, to help others out, the offer advice, to offer opinions, to offer insight, etc. Communication and networking is a big part of success and you have overcome this hurdle already, so great work on that! :)