About Lifeboost
Joined May 2008
About Me:

I live in Gloucester in the UK, with my incredible 14 year old son.
Born in London, I grew up in Durban in South Africa, and then lived in Johannesburg for about 10 years before moving back to England.

I would describe myself as Effervescent : ) I'm excited about life, and about what I'm learning. I am really enjoying helping and supporting people who have decided to consciously create their own lives. I have found that I am able to help those who are trying to improve their lives through self development, by sharing my experience and insight.

I believe that whatever a person believes is true for them. This has led me to choose beliefs for myself, that are supportive and productive for me : )

My profession: Actress and Singer.

My passions: (apart from my profession)

* Helping to spread the word about the amazing information I discovered just a few months ago - information that transformed my life, and which I have since detailed in two little ebooks: The Magic Pill and The Second Dose - both of which are free to download from my Self Esteem website - click the link under "My Sites".

* Children: In particular, assisting parents by equiping them with information and tools which help to raise healthy, secure, successful adults; and which help to relieve stress and tension in the home and to strengthen the bond between parent and child.

* Paths: Up until a few months ago I had, what appeared to be a life-long pattern of struggling in business and money matters. Then, in February 2007, I discovered Paths, which is a brilliant new technology. I've had such incredible success from it, that I became an affiliate, and am now enjoying seeing the lives of friends and family transform because of it too : )

Myself, my partner, my son, my brother, sister and many of our friends are all experiencing fabulous results from Paths. If you'd like to know more about it, please feel free to send me a message and I'll be happy to share some of our experiences with you : ) You can also visit my Paths Website by clicking on the link "The Power of the Subconscious" under "My Sites".

As far as Internet Marketing goes, I have some experience and have tried soooooo many products and affiliate programs. Paths is the only successful one I've experienced. I'm very open to help, support and advice from more experienced members, and would very much appreciate it :)

I'm so looking forward to receiving and giving support and help through this very exciting site!
Lifeboost's Accomplishments

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malcolm Premium
Hi Odille, I will spend time reading all the info on your site, I'm also originally from Durban, now on my way to live in OZ. I'm very new to Affiliate Marketing but have been earning a nice residual income from UK & EURO LOTTO's . Will chat again soon. Kind Regards, Malcolm
nstigator Premium
Hello as fellow metaphysician welcome I too am on a spiritual path check out one of my past lives,
nstigator Premium
Hello My website is actherapies.com. It is totally topical with no side effects non staining no odor very effective
lifeboost Premium
Hi Nstigator (fun name! :)

Thanks for the post on my page. Lovely to be connected to you. What is the URL of your Vibrational Medicine forum?

Love and Light and Magic xxx
ToksickLogick Premium
Hello, how are you?
ToksickLogick Premium
I love your helium article. It's entirely true, money corrupts mankind. I'm part of helium but i haven't written anything yet. great article though.
lifeboost Premium
Hi Harrison :)

Thanks for stopping by my page and saying hi :)
Let me know if there's anything I can help with.

netjen Premium
Welcome to WA!
lifeboost Premium
Hi Netjen :)

Thanks v much for the Welcome!
mightyone Premium
I see you understand the subconscious mind...welcome to the show..
lifeboost Premium
Hi mightyone :)

Thanks v much for the Welcome!