Traffic Siphon Review - More Like

Last Update: September 15, 2010

I just had to write this, partly to get it off my chest and partly as a warning to others because I couldn't believe my eyes when I received email after email from established Internet marketing "gurus" yesterday, recommending Traffic Siphon.

The ad copy raves about a "traffic loophole" and a new never-heard-of method of "siphoning" traffic from the "deep dark places" of the internet.... imagine my surprise when their (long and many) training videos basically told me about backlinking. That's it. How important it is, why it's important, and how to do it manually.

There was nothing they shared that I haven't already learned - mostly here at WAU!

So, I sat through allllll their videos waaaaiting for this "loophole" this "secret" and with every process and method of backlinking they went through, I was thinking my automated seo software already does this - much faster and more efficiently than I could! I don't have to find the high ranking sites to link to - it already knows where to go and goes there automatically. I don't have to join the forums and social networking sites with special accounts to post on different niches - it already does that on automatic!

Don't get me wrong - they put in a lot of work, and the information is good for those who want to learn about backlinking and how to do it (which you can learn here in Wealthy Affiliate anyway), but it's just not what it says on the tin.

If you're looking for automated seo software, I do highly reccomend EVO II - this actually does do what it promises - you can get on with other stuff while it cleverly does your backlinking work for you! And it does it in a very, very clever way. Click here for more information and details of my experience with it so far: EVO II 7 Day Trial

I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who had a look inside Traffic Siphon - am I missing something? Lol. I'm also curious to find out if the established marketers who are pushing it with such enthusiasm have actually gone through the videos - and if so, I'd love to know exactly what they believe the "loophole" is :)

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