About Lisah
Joined July 2008
41 year mom of 2 kids and 3 dogs - freaking out because I have no idea what I am doing! I researched, reviewed and kept coming back to WA. I can find spelling mistakes quite quickly and alot of the sites I visited had a ton - which bothers me...! WA was the most professional site I have ever seen. No phony pics of 14,000 square foot homes and a fancy sports car which would immediately make me suspicous. I have a great day job but would love to make some substantial extra income to help keep my kids in good schools. Love to hear from you!
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lisah Premium
I don't care for most social networking sites but my friend introduced me to one that is supposedly money-making. They don't go live till Sept but would love to hear if anyone knows if these work...... ? You can go to my site link on my profile here....
lisah Premium
Me too. When I find it, I will let you know and vice versa. Sound good?
lisah Premium
Hi peggyh! thank for the note. My kids are 16 (girl) and 9 (boy)... if you can't get the link directly, go to zenzuu.com and pull me up by lisah305 - that's my display name. I am with you..... so far well worth the monthly fee! I hope to also get it covered and then up from there! I love your photos by the way! Beautiful.....
lisah Premium
Hi Manwithplan --- nice, catchy name! Thanks for the words of encouragement.... keep in touch...
lisah Premium
Hi Baxter -- well, I work full time so I only have about 2 hours every night to "study" ... 2 kids, 3 dogs, a husband... I'm a busy gal but this is becoming my nightly routine :) How are YOU?
lisah Premium
LOL Roman --- I feel EXACTLY the same way!!!!
lisah Premium
Hi Anita - thanks for the welcome!! I am still overwhelmed and have not logged in for 3 days - lots going on at home but need to dive into week 2!!!
lisah Premium
Hi Teresa!! I feel like I haven't learned anything in a week cuz I didnt log on for 3 days but back in it now :). How's it going for you??
lisah Premium
Me too! Age reversal is wonderful thing!!!!!
lisah Premium
Hi TJ Books --- thank you for the warm welcome!! I had wrist surgery a couple of months ago and dealing with alot of pain and set-backs so I am 2 weeks behind on my 8 week plan... planning to catch up this week!!!!
lisah Premium
Hi Wojo --- like I was explaining to TJ - been out of commission for a bit so planning on getting Squidoo started this weekend!!!!!!
lisah Premium
Hi Cutiebear - thanks for the comment!!!!! WA is amazing ...... I can't wait to become a Super Affiliate! :)
lisah Premium
Peggyh --- how are you? I've been out of it for a bit ..... is it getting easier????? I'm in Week 2 and L O S T !!
lisah Premium
Hi peggyh - wow! That was a tremendously helpful comment! I love you! Thank you so much..... school starts tomorrow so I am hoping this weekend I can spend getting started with Squidoo. You're the best and I really appreciate your help..... Kisses!!
lisah Premium
Hi msjane ---- me too!!!! I've had hundreds of niches go through my mind but I am taking peggyh's advice and start with Squidoo. I am hoping to do the same - pay off some debt bigtime!!! It is overwhelming but it has to get easier. Good luck and keep in touch, please. I love the people here at WA.
tjmiller Premium
Hi Lisa, sounds like we have more in common than just starting this venture at the same time! I hope we are going to learn a lot together! Teresa
Cutiebear Premium
Hi Lisah, I had to send you a quick note to say you have so hit the nail on the head about WA. It is just the plain truth that need a lot of work to succeed but there is no hype about over the top expectations. It is also so well landed out. Take care and have a great weekend
Successful Troy Premium
Welcome to WA! What is this ZenZuu thing? I hope everythingis going well for you so far. Good luck to you.

Successful Troy Premium
LOL! Sounds good to me.
Successful Troy Premium
Hey aunt lisa,

How is everything going so far?

lisah Premium
Zenzuu is like MySpace, Facebook but you have a downline and supposedly you earn revenue sharing depending upon your activity, downline, etc. I joined in June and it has exploded with members. The cool thing is they let you advertise in their global/local directory and make "groups" where you can advertise your business, website, etc. Let's see how it goes. If you join though, you have to sign up under me.... I know how to find you! :)
lisah Premium
PS: You remind me of my nepheew so much...... hope to be your friend! I am the "cool aunt" ..... :)
lisah Premium
Hi Baxter-just wanted to say HI... this is your aunt lisa by the way :) .... i just love you for some reason!!!
lisah Premium
Hi Nephew Baxter! How are you???? I miss you! Are things getting easier? I am soooooooooo behind
peggyh Premium
Hi lisah and welcome to WA. How are things going for you? I tried to check out your link but couldn't get it to load. Maybe the network was busy. I will try again later. How old are your children?
I totally agree with you about the stupid phony pics of atrociously large homes, etc. on so many phoney-baloney sites. I have been here for a few weeks and have learned so much already. It is well worth the monthly fee. I soon hope to be earning enough $$ to cover the cost of the fee. Then hopefully it's onwards and upwards from there...
Wish you luck and all the best here. I don't know everything but you can certainly send questions my way...
Take care,
peggyh Premium
Hi Lisah,
what part(s) are you lost with, specifically?
Baby steps...that's what you need to start out with.
It is doable, believe me. Don't get discouraged or give up. Call for help. Give me some specifics and I will do what I can to help you along.
peggyh Premium
Hi Lisah,
I wouldn't worry about having a website until you have moved closer to some niche ideas. Because it is around your niche's keywords that you will build your website. Sometime during the 8-week plan, you will learn how to build websites with the tools supplied here at WA.
What I would suggest to you, to get your feet wet, is this:
If you haven't located a niche, then think of something you love. I see a pretty dog in your pictures, above. Put together a squidoo lens about that breed of dog. First of all, look at other squidoo lenses about dogs. Find a format you like and copy that format...with your own content, of course.
You can go to squidoo and read their instructions. Especially, look in the WA sharezone. Read everything about squidoo. Then, start putting your lens together. Think of it as a homework assignment. You are not trying to get 100% the first time. Just get a lens up. The reason I am saying that is because once you see something you have done up on the internet, everything seems more believable. Then later when you start making a website, you have a little confidence under your belt. And squidoo lenses are free. I did the same thing except I started with a blog. Not quite as effective as a lens, I think.
That will get your feet wet. Then you will be ready for a little deeper water. Just walk slowly out...
Your first lens doesn't have to be a money-maker. As you get more comfy with it, though, you could put some google ads on it. (also free)
Good luck and let me know how it goes.
lisah Premium
I guess I am lost on whether I need to have a website first or wait till I complete the 8 week plan? I guess finding a niche is really difficult.....