About Successful Troy
Joined July 2008

My name is Baxter! I hope to talk to you anytime. I love to make new friends. I am a freshman in college. If you have anything in common with me or are just in the mood to make a friend, chat me up. DONT BE AFRAID! I cant wait to really dive into the IM bizz. I am so excited about this whole thing.

Hobbies: Ultimate Frisbee, Skiing (water/snow), really anything relating to sports, Volunteering, School and People.

This picture on the left was taken in the Dominican Republic. I went there on a mission trip this summer. We helped out a church and it was a crazy fun trip.

Good Luck Everyone!!!
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good fortune Premium
Welcome to the forum. I have in the Dominican Republic a couple of years ago we had a wonderful time. I wish you success with you school and as an affiliate here at WA.
good fortune Premium
We were in Punta Cana, just in a resort. We have seen a little bit of the area..pretty poor.
Successful Troy Premium
Thanks for the welcome. I hope to have a great time in college. That really cool that you have been to thge Dominican! What part where you in?

Successful Troy Premium
Yes! It is a very sad place, beautiful, but sad. I was so glad to help.
peggyh Premium
Hi Baxter,
I thought I would stop in for a little visit. You are a real social butterfly...good example for me as I have traditionally been quite shy. But no more! How are things going for you in IM? Have you made your first money yet? I haven't yet because I think I'm stuck in that rut of feeling like I have to know everything before I start to do anything because what if I don't know what I am doing? What if I do something wrong? etc. I am making a plan to just plunge in. I think I will do a little bum marketing first. Have you ever tried it? You say you're a freshman in college. What are you taking? Wouldn't it be nice if IM could pay for you going to school?
Take care and good luck
peggyh Premium
Hi Baxter,
Here is what bum marketing is: go to www.bummarketingmethod.com
It is a site (everything is given free) made by Travis Sago. He explains several techniques you can use to do internet marketing without having to spend a dime. The method gets its name from a comment his wife made that Travis's method is so easy and so cheap that you could take any bum off the street, literally, and teach him how to make money with this method. Take a look at it and see what you think. Watch all his vid's too. And if you sign up for his free newsletter, he will keep sending you more and more info. Sometimes he does send you a link for something that costs money but you don't have to sign up for any. In fact, it was his link to wealthyaffiliate that I used to get here.
Also, you can recognize Travis here at WA. In the forum on his space you can find a picture of him and his wife but he keeps his WA Space blocked probably because he would get too many questions. However, he is high on the list of people who have contributed and when you see his name at the top of the contributor's list or in the sharezone, he usually just has the question mark for a picture. Also, he's been on board here at WA since 2006 or something like that. There are 1or2 other Travis's here but that's how you can tell its Travis Sago.
ANy other questions, please let me know. In fact, since we're both a little shy at trying IM for the first time, maybe we can pick a method and take the plunge at the same time. Then we can compare notes about what worked and what didn't and why. And try again. What do you think? (If we use free marketing we won't lose any $$)
peggyh Premium
It doesn't get away from the 8 week plan at all. It isn't the same though, either. However, even Kyle and Carson recommend letting IM pay for itself. Sometimes in the forum they recommend doing bum marketing methods to get some money started to pay for other methods. Also, they support Travis's methods and he supports theirs. They are great friends. No hurt feelings there for using another method to get started. Also, you will notice in the forum that many of the people making money started out bum marketing, and in fact still do a lot of bum marketing along with their other paid ventures.
Still sound like a plan?
peggyh Premium
OK. You're on. You do some reading up on bum marketing and I will do some more and we will formulate our first plan of attack and then...do it. At the same time. Then together we'll analyze our results and go for it again. This may be the motivation I need to get out of the thinking and not doing cycle.
peggyh Premium
Hi Baxter,
I know you are very busy with getting back to school.
I thought I would leave you a note here to greet you with when you get back here. ;-)
Successful Troy Premium
Yah! Lets do it! I kind if need to read up a bit more on BM though. This is Great!

HealthSupplier Premium
To Successful Troy:

Welcome to WAU!
I enjoy sports and helping people as well.
The easiest ways to learn about this site is to use the spaces to find buddies and mentors.
Follow the 8 week plan to learn how to use the resources on this site.
May you find success here at WAU!


Successful Troy Premium
Thanks for the welcome man. Its is great to see how friendly this place really is. Also if you have any good insights about starting off the best way, please, share. I would love to have people teach me the ropes of this whole thing, so i can lean as much as possible.

TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA! Work hard and use the forums. You will learn here!

John T Jones, Ph.D.
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome! Stay focused and work hard.
Successful Troy Premium
Thankse for the welcome John. I sure do hope i can learn a lot.

EricM Premium
How's it going Baxter...and welcome. It's so awesome to see someone your age already determined not to live in the "rat race" the rest of your life. Best wishes to you brother. Great missionary work...God bless.
EricM Premium
Hello again. You asked have I been pretty successful in the two months I've been here...and the answer is emphatically YES, though not monetarily yet. I have some articles out there...but no sales yet. I haven't really hit "article marketing" that hard because I've discovered something(at least from my own experience.) It appears that once you get out of the realm of "Clickbank", most merchants want a website, business name, etc...I decide to focus all my efforts on building the perfect website with hundreds of merchants. So...yes I've been successful in the sense that I just filed my company name and I'm ready to rock!
EricM Premium
What's up friend...you asked about the gold I have. I got it through submitting 2 Share Zone resources. I don't know how familiar you are with the Share Zone, but you can submit tools, resources, ebooks, or other resources that you think will help other WA members. People will then give you gold if it helps them at all. It's really cool.
Successful Troy Premium
Thanks for the welcome Eric. This whole thing is kind of crazy at first. If you have any insight about whats the right way to go when starting off, please, share. I want to learn as much as possible. I see that you have been on here for a few months. Have you been pretty successful?

Successful Troy Premium
Thats great! I am glad you have been successful. How exactly did you get all that gold you have there?