About Lloydspoon
Joined May 2010
I am a electronic technician by trade but can no longer do anything in the field because of medical conditions. So I am currently looking for a way to supplement my income and help others out any way I can. This is the first time I have tried online marketing so I can use any help I can possibly get.

I started off in the retail sales field years ago but didn't really see myself going any where with it. So for some reason I ended up going into warehouse work which I liked better because it was more physical work. I got married and decided to better myself which I did just by being with the woman of my dreams and loved dearly. My wife and I decided to get into the sales market by doing craft shows, auctions, etc. While doing this I decided to go back to school and get a degree in Electronics/Computer, which was probably the best thing I could of done at the time. I got that degree and was doing pretty good. Then my wife was diagnosed with cancer and things just went from good to worse. We ended up losing everything we had because my main objective was to spend as much time as possible with her. We ended up moving in with her father. Eight years later she lost the battle. About the same time her father took a turn for the worse also so I ended up taking care of him too until he too lost his battle.

So I went back into the electronics field working for a lot of top name firms and doing pretty good. In 2008 I found out that I myself have stage 3 heart failure and had to have an ICD put in my chest to control things, along with diabetes, COPD. Which put me out of the electronics field forever. Not only out of the electronics field but made it real hard to do anything at all. But I am not giving up. Enough of the doom and gloom.

I figured out that with the sales experience I have that online marketing would be a perfect fit. So here I am planning my next successful adventure in my life. I got to admit though it is a little intimidating but that is because it is new to me. So any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.
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lloydspoon Premium
Thank you bigman for the input. I will stick to the action plan like you suggest. I am just in the action mode and like a lot of people I just want to jump in feet first. But that hasn't worked in the past so I will take my time and do it the right way thanks to you and all the WA community.
Sherion Premium
Hi there. I am new to this. I just started about the same time as you did. Can we be buddies and maybe we can help each other along the way.
Sherion Premium
That sounds great! At this time I am in lesson 3. Checking out all those niches. Do you also go through all the resources on the right side of the screen? I do and there is so much there too. I am going to have fun with this.
Sherion Premium
I agree with you. I am really excited about WA. I don't see it though as just wanting to make money. (Although I do want to make a lot of money..lol) I see this as furthering my education. Especially with the whole world practically using the internet.
lloydspoon Premium
Absolutely I have already added you to my buddy list we can learn together.
lloydspoon Premium
I go through as many of the resources I possibly can. But I have to concentrate on a couple of them at a time. There is just a whole lot of information and it is real easy to get off track. I think it is going to be a great experience for all of us.
Latricia Premium
Hi I just read your post after I finished lesson 2, and I would like to share with you how to set up your buddy list. I just figured it out for myself today! First, be sure you have created your WA space profile next you will see a list of new WA members and you can click on their profile and post a message and then put in a request to add them as a buddy. So far I have put in 8 requests and still waiting. Hopefully someone will become buddies with me. How about starting with you. I am going to add you to my list and then you do the same for me, is that ok with you?
Latricia Premium
Are you ready?
Latricia Premium
Your very welcome Lloydspoon. I look forward to us learning together. We are going to have a great time in doing so. Please keep in touch :-)
Latricia Premium
Thank you Lloyd. I am now on my 3rd lesson in the action plan, working on completing all of my tasks. What lesson are you on?
Latricia Premium
I understand, my son just got over a fever of 105. I am still trying to repair the nerves in my body! Hey Lloyd I have been looking through the tutorial on Article Marketing and it is very infomative and helpful. I have read that this would be a great inexpensive campaign to start with. When you get some time, let me know what you think:-) I am sorry to hear about the terminal illness in your family, I will be praying for you and your family.
Latricia Premium
Thank you Lloyd. I have just about completed lesson 3, moving right along!
lloydspoon Premium
Thank you very much. I finally figured it out when I took the time to actually think about it. I decided to go with the top 10 rated, figuring if anybody would know how to do this the right way they would. Thank you very much for the input. I have added you to my buddy list. We can all learn together and help each other out.
lloydspoon Premium
I think we will have a great time, there is a lot to learn and how to apply them the right way. I will definitely keep in touch. Thanks again.
lloydspoon Premium
I'm still on lesson 3 myself. I have been a little preoccupied because of a terminal illness in the family, so I work on it when I get time.
lloydspoon Premium
Sorry to hear about your son, that's no fun at all. I will take a look at the article marketing material and see what is there. There's just so much information. WOW and I mean that in a good way. But that would be right up my alley inexpensive. :-) At least for the time any way. I have been working on niches there are a lot of them. Article Marketing looks good too. Thanks again.
Ezinewriter Premium
My best advice for now, would be stick to the WA tutorial if you have not knowledge of IM at all, then, as time goes one real ALL the tutorials you can get your hands on form WA members.
lloydspoon Premium
Thank you ezinewriter for the input. I have a little bit of knowledge about IM. I had a web site a few years ago with SMC products. The competition in that particular product is just way to much and I couldn't figure out how to get the traffic to the site. I think this program has a lot better resources that I had access to and will indeed stick to the program. Thanks again.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
lloydspoon Premium
Thanks for the buddy invite.