Ready to learn

Last Update: June 06, 2010

Thank you one and all for the warm welcome to the WA community. I got to admit I was a little skeptical about this system at first. I have gotten so many emails from different marketers that I was starting to get confused. This system though seems to be one of the best I have seen so far. It is a great place to learn the right way to do things and to have a community behind you is really great. 

I have tried other ways to make money online like surveys and I even bought into the SMC marketing for a while. I tried to make money with both many years ago. The survey's seemed like it would never work. But I have to admit now I have a whole new attitude about them because you can make some money on them. As a matter of fact, I still do surveys and that is what pays my membership here, now.

The thing I didn't realize before was that I didn't stick with it enough and didn't have the support needed to really make it work. With this system it gives me a lot of answers that I didn't have back then. Now I am ready to put my all into this and take my time and learn the right way to do things and WA helps me to do this. I am still new to this though and can use any help I can get and I know there is a whole lot to learn and take in.

Thanks again and any input you have please let me know.

Lloyd Spooner

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Hi Lloyd,

I visited SMC's website about 3 months ago but never took the next step. I also complete surveys from time to time. We have a few things in common, that's great!! I would say that we struck gold when we found WA. It truly is a wonderful and refreshing community to be a part of:-)