I made first page on Google!

Last Update: March 21, 2010

I am so excited!  It took me a while to post this.  My first three articles got accepted by Ezine articles.  Just last weekend I went and did an unquoted search on Google.  To my surprise, my second article was #1 out of 449,000 and my third article was #3 out of 71,900,000....WOW! That is what I call Search Engine Optimization!  It could be beginners luck, but I don't think so.  It took me a lot of time to come up with the keywords and I kept going back to double check them.  I'm going to keep this short as I have lots to do today.  I've got to finish writing my last article towards the homework for Article Marketing Certification.  I'm on Lesson 2 right now.  Next Goal...Make the first sale.  Just want share the good news.  WA really works.  You just have to implement what you learn and keep going forward even if you are feeling discouraged.  Keep on growing and learning.  Our income follows our personal growth.  My only problem that I am having right now is that I would like more time to work this business.  For me it is so much fun.  My friends are very impressed.  I tell them I haven't made any money YET.  They say "Well you're well on your way."  I HEAR THAT!  : )

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Slugger_mn Premium
Hey Awesome(: Good Job!
shantheman Premium
That is a big accomplishment! Congratulations! I am having some beginner blues. Im trying to learn and overcome them. Thanks for the encouragement.
shantheman Premium
That is a big accomplishment! Congratulations! I am having some beginner blues. Im trying to learn and overcome them. Thanks for the encouragement.