About LtTribal
Joined October 2008
Grew up in So Cal. by the beach so Surf/skate/board all fun sports to keep you healthy. Have run my own businesses most of my life. Am presently looking at trying to create a full time living off the internet. This would allow me to make money from any place I want to go or be. Being independent has always been my goal so I am free to enjoy life my way from where ever I may want to be. Beach, mountain, island or mainland.
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iFaith Premium
Hi. Added you as buddy. Looking forward to getting to know you. Cheers to a great 2010 and beyond!
LtTribal Premium
Right back ya. Sorry it took so long for the reply, I have been away from WA for a few days.
jatdebeaune Premium
LtTribal, I resonate with your comments in Old Mizer's blog. So well put. I'm sending you gold.
jatdebeaune Premium
You are very welcome. I'm happy to be buddies.
LtTribal Premium
Thanks for the gold. wow, took me by surprise. they did say give the gold asit doesn't do you too much sitting there. since i started that I have more then I did? Thanks for the comment too. I am adding you as a buddy.
TJ Books Premium
Work hard and Welcome. You look like a man of mystery. Military? John
Betsuzdav Premium
Welcome to WA LtTribal,
I am sure you will get a lot of information and help this time around! I started as an IM a few years ago and have had some success mostly due to my membership here at WA. I learned a lot from this place. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me :)

Have a great day,
LtTribal Premium
Well, not much to say yet. Just starting my online adventure. I have been through the online money making ringer.

I hope to connect with interesting and intelligent people through this site. I actually had joined WA when they first started and just didn't have the time to put in to using it. Hopefully this time around will be different.
LtTribal Premium
Boy, I guess I really need to spend more time here. I have allowed myself to get so distracted and confused that I just stop in the middle of progress and when I get back I have to start from the start again.