Tempted by shiny objects?

Last Update: November 18, 2011

Story of my journey to IM greatness.  Distraction, distraction distraction.  Why is this so hard?  The Warrior Forum?  wow just so much distraction.  I know it has got to be easier then this right?  Well it is if you just choose one venue and  get it done then move on to the next.

 I found myself addicted to the Warrior Forum and its daily , 'this is how I am making thousands and you can too quick and easy and here's how, just give me you $7-$29 and get it quick before the price rises' products which are all great in theory but never seem to pan out in practice.  Then I always remember my root s and end up back on my WA space and kick myself.  All I need is here, I just need to choose the right course of action and follow through to completion. 

I read somewhere that the road to success is the last 20%!  and now I totally understand and agree.  SO many do 80% of what needs doing but then get discouraged for whatever reason and then  just do NOT finish the last 20% of a project which is the difference between success and failure. 

You get the idea, do the research, learn how and then put a website up but then don't advertise or don't do anything to get traffic to your site.  OR get the  traffic but don't have an easy call to action and clickable button to pay.    You get the idea.  

My goal to myself at this point is to go back and start finishing some of the 20% I have left on the table and see if that won't just solve my problems rather then starting another 80% project to leave in frustration.


Back to work we will see how   it goes. And if you are reading this right now,  ask yourself, what are you not doing right now to complete your 20%?   Why are you reading this when you should be working on completing your 20%?  Remember, just because you are online and reading my blog it is not considered working, it is procrastinating.  Don't spend time reading blogs and looking at all the shiny objects online and then think, "boy, I have been working for 8 hours straight  " when in reality all you did was surf the net reading or looking for shiny objects of desire.  Work  is work online and off.  SO is procrastination.  Trust me I know, that is what I am doing right now under the guise of this possibly being of help to some other procrastinator.   That said, Thanks for reading, now get back to work.  Choose one thing you can complete today which has been holding you back, or one thing you can do toward solving what has been holding you back.

Good Luck!


PS this is a personal test, I want to link in here to a site i was working on to see or test if it will help in the ranking process.  TO visit a great Montessori in Arroyo Grande CA


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jatdebeaune Premium
I agree that you need to carry your campaign/s and "website" to its conclusion, by giving that extra 20% needed to make it happen. Then you have to constantly tweak it, to keep it active, mostly by adding content. I guess, some sites just carry on without having to do anything more with them. Don't discount the value of communicating with other marketers. That's part of your work too, because you learn from them, and they from you. I think it's a matter of allocating time for everything and being strictly organized. Most of those shiny things are a waste of your time. One or two may be very valuable to you. If you didn't check them out, you'd never know. And you learn about marketing by reading others' sales copy and the effect it has on you, positive or negative. I think you just need to prioritize, while at the same time, keeping an open mind.