3 Steps to Success

Last Update: December 31, 2010

    If anyone's reading this blog entry, I want to personally wish you a Happy New Year in 2011. Whether you did well or poorly last year, I want you to push that aside. The past is the past and you need to see what's happening now and the future. Today's the best time to make this year the best yet.

Now here are some things I would like to share into the new year:

1) Believe you can do it, go after it and get it done. I may not know you, but I believe you'll make it. There's no doubt that you'll fail. You'll fall and stumble. You'll make many mistakes and feel frustrated. As long as you learn from those mistakes and avoid them next time, you're that much closer to reaching your goal.

2) Smile and be happy. Happiness is a choice that you can make right now. Laugh it up! Feel good each day. Watch that movie that makes you giggle like a little schoolgirl. Talk with that friend who's funnier than Robin Williams. You need it to move forward. You deserve it.

3) Give it your all. If you're going to work towards your goals, why not give it 100% of your effort? Even when you're sick, tired, bored or feeling crappy, you can choose to do the best you can. That way, there will be no regrets later on. 

All these things I'm telling you applies to me as well. I'm going take my advice and be even better. All the best!

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Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers to your success!
Yoshi Premium
Great 3 steps in.
and a Happy new Year.
Wayne Hudler Premium
I like the attitude you bring and suggest to others. No matter what one does with their life, IM included, the attitude you endorse here will serve them very well.
Labman_1 Premium
Words of wisdom. Thanks and Happy New Year too.
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree with all of the above. Happy New Year to you too!