How to Find a "How To" Niche [Video]

Last Update: July 20, 2010

Hey Team WA..

Made a video the other day and thought I'd share it with you.

In this video, I show you how to find a 'how to' niche using nothing but Google to tell me what is popular and relevant.

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maureenhannan Premium
Great video, Jay! Smart use of Google for niche discovery. You have a first-rate presentational style too. Engaging and charming. Thanks for sharing! ~ Maureen
Zariey Premium
whoa..great video Jay..never thought of it..Thanks for the sharing
Slugger_mn Premium
Awesome job Jay, big help! Where were you when I was a new newbie!? I WAS DYING for videos like this! I found Travis' very helpful, but you are doing a great job, thanks for taking the time out of your day to share with everyone! I know how tough that can get sometimes, so thanks!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Jay, thanks for sharing yet another one of your great blog videos!