2 Weeks on Into Writing an Article

Last Update: September 06, 2011

Hi guys been so busy TRYING to write an Article. So many ideas, topics, research, writing, editing, and re writing, kind of like riding a roller coaster. Anyways chose a topic I'm so interested about, as it's getting so close to summer here in Oz, joined the local Gym to get into  shape, and of course the topic was going to be about losing weight, cardio workouts, weight lifting, strength training, diets, blah blah blah, a never ending story. So 2 weeks into writing this article to submit to Ezinearticles then link to my website/affiliate marketing product,  hopefully soon, I've tried meditation to keep the anxiety down to an all time low, as the kids are trying to get their 10 cents worth out of me too. So hopefully today, and maybe tomorrow should be my final copy, fingers crossed submit to the cause, can't wait, take care guys, and happy marketing!Marthar5

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