On Slow Mode

Last Update: October 16, 2011

Oh we'll guys the school holidays are here, and I've put my writing juices on slow mode for now, annoying but if I soldier on with my usual schedule writing from 9am - 2pm I'm affraid my head will explode from concentration overload or something outrageous. The first week and the three gremlins are arguing, fighting, and trashing the house, my creative conscience is juggling to  keep with my articles and  control the outbreak of gremlin invasion.  I also have  another older gremlin who needs help with her assigments to complete cert 4, and filing a Uni application for next year this one is so draining my artistic time is on pause and go  cause this one needs constant reminding, and pushing to complete work or pay late penalty entry - what a headache. And the worst is MY TIME is on hold as I incurred a knee injury and have put the gym on pause. What awesome luck but I will remain calm and  I'm sure that  I'll be on track as soon as my gremlins return to school. Happy Marketing people!Martha

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