Amazing Backlinking Tool!

Last Update: July 13, 2011

I just started using this tool.  It's called Digi Article Blaster.  Here's a run down on how it works.

Digi Article Blaster is an incredibly powerful Wordpress Plugin which will allow you to easily submit each blog post you make to 150 article directories auotmatically.  So how does Digi Article Blaster work?

Step one is to purchase the word press plugin (Digi Article Blaster).

Download the plugin after you make your purchase.  Right after you download the plugin, proceed to the blog you want to install it on.  Simply login to your wordpress blog, and upload the plugin from your download folder on your computer.  There is no need to unzip anything, the download just automatically installs itself into your plug in directory.  You do not need to FTP upload anything either.  It really cannot get any more simple than this.

You will need to sign up for a decaptcha program.  Three are listed in the plug in.  After you sign up for a decaptcha program, you will need to load it with funds.  About $20 will last you a very long time, so don't think it is going to be expensive.  Once you have signed up for a decaptcha program and input the information, the next step will be to sign up for the article directories.
It is recommended that you sign up for a free gmail account, because you are going to be receiving confirmation emails from the article directories and you don't want those plugging up your regular directory.  Once you input this information, this handy little plugin will begin signing you up to the various article directories. Go get a coffee and wait about 15 minutes.
Check your email and confirm all the article directories that send you confirmation links.
Choose the article you want to spin and submit to the 150 directories.   Next, you will input your spin tags to make each article unique.  If you already have an article spinning program, you can put the article into it for spinning and then copy and paste it back into your blog.
In order to submit your article, you will simply create your resource box and choose submit.  The automatic link that comes up is a link back to your original blog post, but you can change it if you like.
Now sit back and watch the orange status bar fill up as digi article blaster submits your article to 150 directories.  So simple my six year old can do it!
The price is reasonable and it is a really easy and fast method to gain backlinks without using an expensive article submitter.   This is a great starter tool for the marketer that is simply starting out and does not have a pile of money to invest in endless tools.

Digi Article Blaster does as advertised and does it well, you just need to decide what level you are at and what you truly need for your websites.

If you read the sales page and decide you want to purchase this, I would really appreciate it if you would purchase Digi Article Blaster through my link.

Digi Results has a really great affiliate program too, so if you love to promote (personally, I am addicted), they have plenty of great products to promote. Click here to sign up as an affiliate yourself!

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mcstir Premium
Hi Jim, yes, I did add the plug in to my ticket site blog. I did an article on Adele. More to come, but 150 backlinks a shot sounds good to me!
LittleRhody Premium
Have you been using this with tickets at all?