Vancouver, WTF

Last Update: June 15, 2011

I am so blown away and disappointed and deeply ashamed following the ridiculous show of bullshit over in Vancouver.  The Canucks lost and the streets went crazy.  At least one fatality.  Police cars flipped over and lit on fire.   Unfreakinbelievable.  It is so crazy and looks like a scene out of a war torn country.  Hospitals are closing their doors because they cannot take in any more injured people.  What happened?  We had crowds of people in the streets during the Olympics who all behaved like grown ups, but this, this is mayhem.  It happened in 1994 and it is happening again.  What must people think of Vancouver and why would they want to visit?  Shocking and truly disturbing.  I can assure those of you who do not live in Vancouver that these are the actions of a shameless few who have incited crowds of drunken people to act like children.  Vancouver now has a black eye, but these are the actions of a small group of very violent people, NOT hockey fans.

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