I LOVE the new WA Jobs Section

Last Update: August 10, 2010

I just logged in tonight and had a look at the new jobs section and I have to say it is AWESOME!!! Great work guys, it's organized, and much more efficient!  I know this has been something that needed to be dealt with for a long time and I have to say I am really happy with how it looks.  Anyone else?

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Carson Premium
maureenhannan Premium
Yes, I agree with you. Just took a peek, and it looks great. Much more organized and "at-a-glance" than before. Nice to see.
NEA03 Premium
Wow, just looked at it, it looks so much better than the other one. K&C did a great job, can't wait for everything else they have in store for us :)
Why can't I find it?
Ruggero Premium
Good question! Can't find it either!
Carson Premium
Ruggero Premium
Ok fair enough. Kinda sad to see it go - WA Jobs was how I actually started in IM. I traded services for quite a while at first to get me started and now I'm running a small business with a decent turnover, and it all started at WA Jobs!