Are You the Master of Your Own Mind?

Last Update: December 08, 2011

It is interesting how much control we actually have over our lives. Most of the time I hear people talk about how things are out of their control or how someone made them do something they did not really want to do.

Sometimes people will say that the reason they are making certain choices in their lives is because "everyone else is doing it" is that how you think too?

Are your actions based on what other people think of you? If this is the case it just may be that you have given over mental control to someone else.

Now don't get all freaked out on me. I am not talking about anything to do with spirituality or magic I am just talking about letting other people determine how you will live your life.

We are influenced consciously and unconsciously by the behavior of other people. For instance how many of you are in your current profession because it was what your mother or father wanted you to be?

Or how many of you are in relationships that you are not happy with but stay in it anyway because you don't want to disappoint your friends.

Its time to take back your mind, start thinking for yourself, make your own decisions and don't let others make them for you.

When I was young I had a teacher who told me that my dream of becoming a ballet dancer was impossible because of my weight. I was really surprised that this person I had looked up to was telling me I was a failure.

So through the years I lost the weight and I slimmed down and I often thought of what my life would have been like if I had of just pursued my dream of being a ballet dancer and not listened to that teacher.

This is a case where to this day I always wonder, and could easily blame my childhood teacher for taking away my dream but actually I let them influence my decisions by giving up the most precious thing in my control: My Mind

Just remember that you have control over your body and your mind but you do not have control over other people and their actions.

Use your mind for good, stay focused, believe in yourself, protect your thoughts and your childhood dreams.

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Ty Johnson Premium
I couldn't agree more. I have had quite a journey so far and as I look back on my life the only things I regret are the things I allowed others to influence me against my better judgement.

I am sorry to hear about that teacher saying that to you, it's to bad that so many so called mentors in life are so terrible at guiding the young people they are supposed to be role models for, but life dose move on and there are many more things to do and many more dreams to pursue, experiences like that will make you all the more determined to not let people like that stand in your way now or in the future

Great post!
meknowsu Premium
Thats exactly right, I learned from that experience and I agree that our teachers should be more encouraging to the youth. Thanks for stopping by I enjoyed reading about your recipe site too!
stadium Premium
very nice and true post
meknowsu Premium
Thanks Stadium. Appreciate it.
jatdebeaune Premium
Excellent advice. Listening to your own inner voice may even save your life one day. People mean well, but no one but you knows what's right for you.
meknowsu Premium
I agree, we sometimes second guess our own wisdom and unknowingly end up following the masses group thinking which is not always the best.
NewLife4Rich Premium
Well done! You have a very clear and easy to read piece of advice with a very entertaining story. Keep up the great work. Rich
meknowsu Premium
Thanks Rich, I appreciate the compliment.
reader Premium
I will Amen that. Great Post.
meknowsu Premium
Thanks, I am glad you liked my blog post.