Legalized Online Gambling in Nevada?

Last Update: January 09, 2012

The article I read on line is entitled:

Nevada Sets Stage for Online Poker Move Is Part of Effort to Become Key Player if U.S. Legalizes Internet Gambling, By ALEXANDRA BERZON

Here is the link:

"Apparently Nevada is positioning itself to become the first state to allow Internet-poker games within its borders, a move that comes as online-gambling laws are being debated in statehouses and in Congress."

The interesting part was that the casino managers already have crews ready to build them their websites to be up before the end of next year.

I was wondering does this mean that affiliate marketers should get an LLC in Nevada? and if so how could we become affiliates for these participating companies if we do not live in the area?

I would appreciate anyones experience or knowledge in this area. Thanks

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meknowsu Premium
I just saw today that TechCruch is reporting on the Social Gaming company Zynga which are going to have a online poker game, interesting.

You can read about it here:
meknowsu Premium
Thanks you guys, I fortunately found the answer to my question. And now I am hitting the road, I have some traveling to do. First headed to Texas and if all goes well may head on over to Nevada.

Wish me luck.

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