I am going on the road again..

Last Update: January 10, 2012

Its time to hit the road because I have some traveling to do. Just purchased an RV camper and I want to see if I can save money by not paying rent anymore.

Just getting a list of camping spots to park at while I travel down to Texas. Met some new friends and I am excited about the trip.

So far the plan is to spend the next 3 to 5 months on the road before I settle down again. I have my wireless tech gadgets to keep me company and allow me to post to my blogs, which is great.

The wordpress theme I picked works well with a smart phone.

Its funny how easy it is to find ways to save when we are low on funds, I guess necessity really is the mother of invention.

Oh well wish me luck.

See ya on the other side. 

Signing off...


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jatdebeaune Premium
Sounds like great fun. What an adventure! You have to write about it. Let us know how it goes. Happy trails!
meknowsu Premium
Thanks I appreciate your encouragement, it will be an experience for my memory book. LOL
Deezdz Premium
How exciting! I LOVE traveling. Nothing better than meeting new interesting people and seeing new things. Keep posting any new adventures. I wish you well and lot's of luck! - Dee
meknowsu Premium
Thanks Dee, It is a group of us backpacking and one of the girls is going to take pictures and sell them to travel blogs and her boyfriend is going to teach english and help kids with math problems, I will probably make beaded jewelry to sell to the locals. The rest of the gang is supposed to help find food and water for us. I will let you know how it goes.
Behealthy Premium
Contecting on the move...cool!
I always wondered what it will be like jumping on the net far out in the ocean or at the highest peak of some rock mountain.
meknowsu Premium
I have been hiking to blacks mountain in San Diego and at its highest peak you could see the whole city all at once, it was pretty cool. I wonder if my smartphone would connect to the internet from up there. I will have to try it out.
Labman_1 Premium
Have a nice trip. Keep working at it while you are out. At the very least, keep your eyes opened for new niches to promote when you get back.
meknowsu Premium
Thats a good idea labman I will sure an keep an eye for some new interesting stuff to write about.
meknowsu Premium
I am not leaving WA I still will be around for the webinars and the forums and stuff, because I will have internet access on the road. It should be pretty exciting.