The Wealthy Affiliate Community Really "Rocks"

Last Update: November 28, 2011

I just wanted to say that in the short time that I have been here on this site I have met some really helpful users. I was really surprised at how quickly my questions have been answered and how knowledgeable everyone is.

I am really glad that I joined wealthy affiliate after kicking around the tires for so many months. I am learning so many things and it is great because I am committed to increasing my earnings online for 2012.

It looks as if it is going to take some hard work but I am ready to put in the time necessary to make it happen.

Staying motivated is going to be the challenge because it is easy to be excited about something when it is brand new, I just hope I can keep up my enthusiasm as the months go by.

Thanks everyone for your kind words and helpful suggestions. I really appreciate it.

Signed, Relieved Newbie 

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jka861 Premium
Welcome aboard! You're right it's easy to be enthusiastic about you're new found toy. But, personally what I have found is that once the fire has been lite it creates a burning desire to learn all you can about it. For me, I'm like a sponge that soaks up everything. What I've learned is to stay focus. Learn one thing and become an expert at it before you move on to something else. You can avoid wasting a lot of time jumping from one program to another, simply because the Guru's have a new promotion every week. It's all laid out for you here at WA. So don't waste you're precious commodity called "time". I've been there and done that. Avoid the marketing treadmill at all cost!!!
meknowsu Premium
Yes this is so true, I had to learn the hard way that I only need a few good nuggets to carry me through, welcome aboard my friend.
Jamie Smith Premium
It is great to have you in the WA family! If you need help with your niches, the family has your back.
meknowsu Premium
Thanks Jamie that is sweet of you.
meknowsu Premium
Thanks Carson and Hussien for stopping by my blog. Your the best!
Carson Premium
Hussien Premium
I'm glad you're getting the help you need and that you're liking it here. I like helping out because it encourages a sense of community and although place like (the warrior forum) are filled with knowledge as well, I don't think people are as willing to help new people like we the members at WA are here.
jka861 Premium
I concur!