Codes,CSS, Wrapping Text...?%#@??

Last Update: June 05, 2012
Today has been one of those teeth clenching days that I have spent rigid, hunched over my lap top, eyes crossed searching for answers only to find more questions. Anxiety is high and my progress is slow. Today's search has been about text wrapping. Two weeks ago I couldn't tell you what that term meant but with the help of one of the members I have gained a basic understanding.
The discouraging part is when I finally think that I get something there is yet another twist.. I spent the better part of the afternoon trying to figure out why I couldn't simply wrap the text around an image. After all, I was able to do just that only a few days ago. It finally dawned on me that wrapping text around an image link from Amazon may require a different action, since the image was not allowing me to make any changes. After a search I found that it is a simple matter (for a rocket scientist) to go into the advanced settings of Weaver and add a code to the CSS. Well, I attempted doing exactly what it instructed me to do with this code but it simply did not work.
In case I am so confused I am not explaining this problem is I have an affiliate image link from Amazon on my site and I simply want to wrap text around the link.
So I ask you, is there anyone who is familiar with the problem that I am having and if so could you point me in the right direction...Please?
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Sielke Premium
Try watching this video: I think that's what you're asking.
misshugh Premium
Thanks for the reply christian! The video is very helpful unfortunately, it did not solve my problem. My issue is related to Amazon image links. I have a Amazon image link on my post page and I am unable to wrap text around it. I tried fixing the issue by going into the advanced settings of weaver and adding a code to css. When I did a search on google related to my issue the advice that came up was to go into the advanced settings of weaver and add this code to css. I did try it but it did not work. Are you familiar with wrapping text around a image link from Amazon? Do you know of anything special one must do in order to wrap text around these types of links? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Sielke Premium
Can you PM me a link to what you're talking about? The code should work with any type of image linked or not. It should even work with iframes and scripts which I think amazon uses. Maybe I'm missing something.
TheRichWoman Premium
If you are using Wordpress, you should be able to edit your post where the image is located. When you highlight the image you will see a little picture icon that you can click on for editing. From there it will give you options of the text wrapping as alignment options, right, center, left. You want to make sure you place the image in between the exact text where you want it located. There is also an advanced tab to edit the CSS, but I think that is more complicated and unnecessary. If I am misunderstanding you, please give more details of your installation, is it WP or some other kind of site?
misshugh Premium
Thanks for the reply. I am using word press. I have tried over and over to do this as you are explaining but for whatever reason it isn't working. I can see the two little pics that come up in the upper left hand corner but nothing happens when I try to click on them. I am not able to see the alignment options or anything else. I did find something when I did a google search about the problem which said there is a specific way you have to do this when dealing with an Amazon image link. I did try the advice but as I said in my post that is not working either. If you can think of anything else that may work please let me know.
Hi all. John's my name.