When Things Begin To Click

Last Update: May 31, 2012
I began this journey almost a year ago. Mind you in the beginning I joined WA for a month then became overwhelmed and quite. For several months I dabbled in this and that to do with IM. A very slow process I must say. When the ten-day promotion started at WA I decided to take another look.
I am so glad that I did! I absolutely love the new format because it is so easy to move around and access everything. All the while I feel very connected with the live chat and help is just a click away. It seems like a much friendlier and easy to navigate site.
I take something from here, say the forum or maybe there is a conversation going on. Just watching the chat I find an answer or a subject finally becomes clear and things begin to click. For me, it may take several exposures to a topic to actually "get it. " Those are the ah ha moments and a time to celebrate! When everything finally comes together it makes all the frustration and searching for answers worth it.
I do still need to remind myself from time to time when I am at the height of frustration and plain stuck that it doesn't matter how long it takes me, I will eventually understand my subject and any time I spend learning is not wasted.
Before I could learn anything I needed to settle down and stop trying to force things to happen. This is not overnight success! It is a process, besides none of the fly by night opportunities out there which promised me instant success ever worked. So far I have learned just enough to know that I have barely scratched the surface and even after I have been around for a few twenty-four hours things may quickly change. I must say that I am finding the entire process rather intriguing! The joy is in the journey so enjoy!
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lisawells Premium
I like what you said about it doesn't matter how long it takes. I have to remind myself of that often too and keep setting goals for myself based on what else is going on in my life. I think the 30 days is a nice framework to try to be within, though I probably won't be. Also writing an article a day is a bit steep to think about. I want to enjoy each step in the process - different than a job where you just have to do it whether you like it or not!
misshugh Premium
I do not think that I would ever finish the 30 day program in 30 days. I get side tracked but that is the good thing There are no absolute have tos in the time frame. As far as the articles go they say the more you do it the easier it becomes. I agree because I have gotten a bit better but I am still nowhere near an article a day. I like your idea about goals. I think I need to set a few short term goals just to keep me on track. One thing about it everyone here has experienced a lot of the same challenges. Sounds like you are on the right track. Good luck
Sielke Premium
I'm glad things are clicking for you. You're absolutely right, its not an overnight process. It does take awhile for things to start to make sense but once things start to click it's a very simple process. Then all you have to do is fine tune the details and tailor your workflow to something that will fit and work for you.
misshugh Premium
Thanks Christian, all of the support around here is wonderful as well! I have a distracting way of making simple processes difficult so I am grateful for the step by step guidance in the 30 day program.