DAY 4 Wealthy Affiliate 10 Day Trial: I Spoke with a Full Mouth

Last Update: July 25, 2012
Or at least I spoke too soon ^_^*

I got caught up in catching up...yeah, housework doesn't do itself unfortunately and I haven't mastered how Mickey pulled it off in Fantasia; when the day comes, I will be first in line, I assure you.

So ANYway, I can tell the program is already working by the massive guilt I feel having shoveled it off until tomorrow (technically today since it is 6 AM and I have yet to hit the hay).

Well, wait. I have to give myself some credit considering I spent a few hours talking to my family about it.

My 14 year old stepson came back to be with us for a week and he is building custom longboards (over-sized skateboards with high stability used to skate or 'luge' downhill). He uses the first longboard he ever made on a daily basis and he is making one for his dad right now.

That said, I want to build a website for him to get his business going. Since the ground is already solid and he already has a network of interested customers, companies and organizations it should be a breeze. He has been active online and in the community since he was 4 so it's pretty cool.

Now, I said breeze, but we are dealing with a 14 year old with too much pi*s and vinegar for his own good! Should be an adventure...or something lol.

We have a company name, a logo, a product, a zine idea, a network....all we need now is CONTENT (insert Twilight Zone theme).

Something to chew on, once again...
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Deezdz Premium
Sounds like a great idea and how luck is your stepson to have you helping out! Looking forward to keeping in touch and hearing how everything progresses =)
georgejhaas Premium
Hi! Thanks for sharing your success at WA. You reached a great milestone in Day-4. I hope your new adventure will be very successful and profitable as well. Again, welcome to the WA community.