DAY 1 Wealthy Affiliate 10 Day Trial: Fill up on Knowledge

Last Update: July 20, 2012
I have only begun and I am already full!

Day 1:
Lengthy...tremendous amount of much to grasp, all of it incredibly useful on its own or with the subscription. The subscription really makes it pop though: I love the unlimited websites,tons of tools (I will get to that eventually, I am still learning here!).
I am also ahead in the trial training, burning trails through the internet verifying what they say at WA with my own research...doesn't leave a sour taste in my mouth which is always good!

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hi everyone! am new and need to know what is exactly going on here??
i still dont understand about this business online. do we "selling stuff" here?? thx
MissTech Premium
Hi 4ngeld4ve, no we don't sell but we provide leads to products people want. You know those links from underlined words in blogs and sites like About com?

Well, imagine if YOU wrote an article about 'Dog Nutrition' and placed it on a blog or website ..and those were YOUR links or partners...and every time someone clicked or bought or signed up for a trial with your partner product, YOU got a cut?

That is what this is but on a broader level. You could even stick to designing/ selling website, from my understanding, and you get unlimited websites/domains through the subscription

The KEY is: link to relevant sites based on your article. The viewer is interested in dog nutrition so you could link to dog food products or supplements, anything to help that curious viewer. You don't throw a car ad up and expect people to join...its respect both ways like that.

I am new so there is so much I wish I could tell you but dont have the words right now.
Go through the training for 10 days and see if you get what they mean. Its pretty easy if you are willing to spend time on the computer :) take care and good luck!

Please correct me if I am wrong community :)
Thx Miss Tech u gave me understanding