About Mjclarkson
Joined August 2009
Michael's background includes 20 years in Global Sales, Marketing and Finance in the technology field. Serving in his final capacity in that field as a Global Director of Sales. Michael has been the primary team lead for revenue commitments up to $70 million annually.

Michael graduated magna cum laude from Regis University in 1988 with a B.S. in Mathematics and Economics and magna cum laude from Regis University with an MBA in International Business in 1993.

Michael is an actively licensed real estate employing broker in the State of Colorado.

He has attained the following accreditations in the field of real estate:

Managing Broker License - 2007
Broker Associate License - 2005
Michael's success in lead generation resulted in his being featured in the National Association of REALTORS® magazine on three separate occasions. REALTOR® magazine has a circulation of 1.3 million.

Michael has been a featured guest on 850 KOA, 630 KHOW, 1060 KRCN, The Radio Colorado Network (statewide), and featured in the Denver Business Journal, and Denver Post. Michael has also been a real estate power panel member at the Colorado Association of Real Estate Investors (CAREI).

Michael has also taught seminars in the areas of demographic marketing, lead generation and lead capture.

Michael is the owner of Conejos Capital LLC, Conejos Media LLC and Mile High Home Hunter, Inc.
Mjclarkson's Accomplishments

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bodovan Premium
Hi Michael!

Nice to meet you...
Let me know if you need anything to help you here or anything else...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...

Take care,
jkirbzcadaing Premium
Thanks for the welcome!
Omar T. Premium
Hey, thanks for the welcome! :)
Suzi Premium
WoW, Michael--How do you find time for IM? What does Conejos mean?
Suzi Premium
Michael, I just spent some time finding the right viral movie for you. It could be for your Mom as well. On the right side of my page, click on --Can You Accept a Blessing--. My sister is recovering from BC treatment. So, I am closer to you in spirit than you would ever guess. I do not live near her, so I have not provided the support that you will be able to give your Mom. However I did travel to San Antonio and literally moved in with her at the hospital for several days after her double mastectomy. I worked on line while she slept. In her condition--we still laughed from time to time. She had a tough time with chemo and radiation, it made her so sick. She is my heroine. Still thinking of the welfare of others. She is doing ok, now. A bit further to go as she also had additional surgery--a colectomy. So, bless you. Your determination to be there will make a difference.
Suzi Premium
You are so primed for success--I love it. Please post the link to your site on the right page of your web page here so we may all easily access it. If you have not found the spot yet, look on the right side of your home page below Accreditation. Websites--doesn't really stand out until you start linking websites. You are welcome to visit my links:-)
mjclarkson Premium
Well, I have scaled back my other businesses to attend to my mom who is suffering from a recurrence of breast cancer. So, IM is what I am hoping enables me to have 24/7 without 24/7 effort. Conejos is Spanish for rabbit (I had one for about 11 years -- abandoned by an ex-girlfriend.
mjclarkson Premium
Well, I did it!

I spent last week doing training. I spent the weekend doing analysis. AND NOW, I am launcing my affiliate marketing business. I am excited to learn more and, ideally, have success!

I just launched one of the STF sites and I feel that even if this fails, I will know why it did. And if it succeeds, then I will know that too.

January 11, 2010: Day One of my new life!