2 Sales in 2 Days

Last Update: January 13, 2010

I am cautiously excited. I signed up in August 2009. Then, I found excuses to put this off.

Well, after my last trip to the UK, I decided to get serious for 12 months with WA.

Even while I am fine tuning the Super Affiliate sites and my own personal niches, I found some Clickbank products to promote with the CB Analysis Tool. In two days, 2- $45 sales. $90 in two days with highly leveraged effort. That’s 2 ½ months of WA paid off in two days…or $16,700 if I do this every day for the year.

I can’t help that my knowledge and abilities will improve…and, hopefully, my results.

I don’t know if these are my only two sales I will ever have or whether they will be the first of millions. All I know is that they are the most positive reinforcement I could have ever had.

Thanks, Kyle and Carson for this great site!! 

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Suzi Premium
Super Duper! All successes inspire me to keep plugging. Thanks for sharing.