Posts by Mmorales 18
August 15, 2012
I am leaving for several reasons, none have anything to do with WA. I am at a point in my life where I have 2 kids in college, an unstable job because of corporate mismanagement and down sizing. I am making money in a couple of niches but right now I need to focus on my main income and get it in order because I can't afford to lose it. There is no excuse for me not to have achieved the income level I wanted to obtain here other then not keeping at it and being consistent. I do have to sa
Well I'm coming back from some time away and I have to say that I miss being here. I hurt my back and I'm better but that's not what I'm here to talk about.I bought a domain based off of some great keywords I found using Jaaxy. Then, I made a list of keywords and started to work on a couple articles to test them. I am constantly amazed at the results I get and it's almost like a game, meaning I try to see how these low competition, low qsr keywords help push my site up. I jus
For the last 2 months I have been out with a back injury. I'm not sure how or what caused it but I have been to the Doctor four times and have had x-rays and MRI's done. I missed work for awhile and have been on meds for going on 2 months really makes it hard to focus on anything, especially because I am worrying about what the hell is wrong with me and those meds really cloud my thinking.I had to drop what I am doing here and try to get my head straight. What happens if i can&
I was slapped hard 2 days ago after I had added some new content to one of my sites. I was sitting respectively at #8 for the site and #3 for the only article I had written as this is a new site. I couldn't even find the site as being indexed. I looked for the site today and low and behold I am sitting at #2 with my SA article, #3 with my site home page and #4 with my blog page. I have some other articles I am working on using keywords from Jaaxy. QSR's lower than 10. What me pa
Here I am looking back to December 2009 when I first joined WA really feels like it was just yesterday. Time really flies with our busy lifestyles and before you know it...BAM, another year gone by. Man, what have I accomplished? Well, not as much as I intended to and why is that? Procrastination? Yeah, I think we all do it to some extent or at least that's what I was telling myself. Not sure, I'll figure it out later. Lack of Time? Okay, so that's part of it but
 While on vacation in Maui I kept running into fresh new ideas to write about. There are so many different niches that are fresh and interesting that I could literally sit here and write but I am going to wait until I get home for some of them, after all, I'm on vacation, right? There are articles that just have be written and published right away if you want to get the most out of them. For example, I ran into a famous personality on the beach and chatted a bit. I learned some interesting
December 28, 2011
2011 Roadblock With this year coming to an end, I have taken a good look at my successes and failures. I have used what I have learned here and applied it in marketing the service department of the company I work. I helped make it a success. Was this a roadblock? No, in the sense that I accomplished what I had set out to do. Yes, because the results did not benefit me directly. If I had set these goals for me to benefit my business, how successful would I be right now? 2012 Goals Well, with hind
November 22, 2011
Corporate  The company I work for is Corporate owned. Over the last couple weeks there have been some major shifts in staffing, they are "Right Sizing" the company, again at the headquarters and all their stores although for the last 3 quarters have been very profitable and they let us all know this.  Profit  We have worked very hard this year and 44% net and a 104.2% customer satisfaction isn't cutting it, they now want me up towards 50% net . I will lose 1 key staff me
Just a word to the wise, in this case I wasn't. Don't use any words in your domain name that are a trademark or copyright of any company. One year later it caught up to me and now I have to give the domain name to this company. I was sent an e-mail by this company basically warning me against this practice as it is against their affiliate agreement. Page 1, serp 5 right under the companies sites. I guess it was staring them in the face long enough and they finally decided to act on it.   S
August 27, 2011
Wealthy Affiliate is an Awesome Internet Marketing site, that's why we are here, right? Internet Marketing is fun, exciting and sometimes stressful.  With all the tools and information that Kyle and Carson have put together along with their personal assistance and the assistance of many others like Jay, Marcus and Pot Pie Girl, just to name a few...we can become successful marketers.  In the Off Site SEO Awesomeness WAbinar, Jay talked about Google, Google wants you to be succes
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