Be Cautious With Your Domain Names

Last Update: November 03, 2011

Just a word to the wise, in this case I wasn't. Don't use any words in your domain name that are a trademark or copyright of any company. One year later it caught up to me and now I have to give the domain name to this company. I was sent an e-mail by this company basically warning me against this practice as it is against their affiliate agreement.

Page 1, serp 5 right under the companies sites. I guess it was staring them in the face long enough and they finally decided to act on it.  

Success can cause you to fail in the long run if you don't abide by the rules...Time to rebuild.

 Lesson learned here 

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Jave27 Premium
This happened to a friend of mine a while back. He gave them receipts for all he paid for on that site (outsourced SEO work, domain registration, hosting), and they agreed to send him a check for that. You might be able to 301 the domain to a new one, but I don't know how that works really, or whether or not it will hurt your existing SEO.
mmorales Premium
Thanks for the input. I am looking into this tonight since I really haven't received any suggestions from the people in the know. There are tons of other domains out there doing the same thing i did. Oh well...I will make it work. Thanks again!
dataplextech Premium
I'm curious, who is the vendor?
mmorales Premium
LittleRhody Premium
I had that happen to me on a few sites. Same thing except they sent me an email and said they would give me the axe from their affiliate if I did not get rid of them. They added this new term after I bought the domains and registered them for 3 years each. Since then my commissions on that program dropped 80%.
mmorales Premium
They offered to purchase my domains for price I paid for them. There are many other domains using the same keywords in their domains, am I being singled out because of my serp, right under their domains? I'm not sure if I should forward my sites to a new domain or what. I can't get an answer from the go to peeps other than "Don't do that anymore" although they are doing the same thing!