Street Articles / SERP # 7 Out Of About 6,850,000 Results

Last Update: March 23, 2011

Last night I sat down and wrote an article. I submitted it to Street Articles and checked Google for the keyword I had used and low and behold it is #7 out of about 6,850,000 results. That was the second article I submitted yesterday. I like Street Articles but the site needs some bugs worked out of it.

I don't know if anyone else is having any issues when using Rapid Writer and clicking on the "Submit To Street Articles" button because I am. The first article I wrote was outlined correctly when I submitted it, but was rejected because of improper sentence structuring. I reviewed the article to see what was wrong and all of the sentences were pushed together to form 1 paragraph which obviously isn't right.

I am also having an issue when I type in the title. If  I have a typo, it will not let me correct it. I try to correct it but it will revert back to what was initially typed the first time.  I sent a request to Street Articles support asking them to correct the typo before submitting the article to no avail.

Oh yeah, one more thing I noticed is that on the drop down for category,Select is spelled incorrectly.

Category: Sealect



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SeoVaage Premium
Great work! Streetarticles is just amazing in both rankings and in review time, their editors are also quite helpfull when you have problems. the only bad thing is the few bugs like you mentioned.
Incognito Premium
Great stuff Mike. Yeah I had the paragraph issue you are talking about as well. Same as Labman, I just copied and pasted it from my clipboard. With regards to the link issue, I actually DON'T you the raw HTML, I use the tools in the editor itself and seems to work just fine - perhaps try that out Joan? Just my thoughts...

Well done on the rankings Mike!
mmorales Premium
Thanks Joan, I always appreciate your comments.
Craig, this is good to know. Maybe Joan can try this for her links.
This one article I wrote in SA pushed my site up 4 positions...I can't believe it.
Labman_1 Premium
I copy the article to my clipboard when in RW then submit to SA after checking my title. When the huge paragraph occurs ( always) I paste the article from my clipboard and it carries all the formatting with it. Need to use the keyboard shortcuts to paste. When putting in links I just type in the anchor text to my RW article and it automatically becomes a link in the article. Editing the link is a pain but can be done once in the article by clicking on it and entering the URL in the edit mode.
jatdebeaune Premium
That's great Mike. Once all the bugs are gone, SA is going to be superb. There is so much I like about it, but can't get a link out of them. That too is a bug. Congratulations to you for your successful article.