Posts by MommyofThree 3
June 29, 2011
Am I the only one who is really struggling to learn affiliate marketing?  I have been a member of WA now for 4 months and try to spend at least 2-3 hours a day working on the Action Plan and I still don't even have my website up and running.  I feel like every page I open and read is more foreign and confusing than the one before it.  Everyday I try to remain positive and tell myself that it's going to take time to learn everything but at this rate I feel like it will be years bef
June 12, 2011
Right when I thought I was well on my way in the next step of the Action Plan I hit a speed bump.  I was putting together my website through WordPress Express and something went wrong.  When I was creating my website I was so exhausted and actually falling asleep while doing so.  In my very exhausted state, I believe I missed a step of the setup because I never got the page telling me that my site was setup successfully which is covered in Jay's webinar.  Now when I go to a s
May 26, 2011
Today is my 3 month anniversary with Wealthy Affiliate and I must say I am disappointed with myself concerning the progresss that I have made thus far.  It has been 3 months and I don't even have my website created which to me is unacceptable.  I know I don't lack ambition or the desire to make this work because I do.  When I first became a member the first thing I tried to accomplish was becoming familiar with the WA website and all that it had to offer. &nbs