Am I the only one?

Last Update: June 29, 2011

Am I the only one who is really struggling to learn affiliate marketing?  I have been a member of WA now for 4 months and try to spend at least 2-3 hours a day working on the Action Plan and I still don't even have my website up and running.  I feel like every page I open and read is more foreign and confusing than the one before it.  Everyday I try to remain positive and tell myself that it's going to take time to learn everything but at this rate I feel like it will be years before I get a handle on all of this.  I'm starting to think that I am just not smart enough to learn this stuff.  I don't want to sound or come across as having a pity party for myself, instead I think I am just incredibly frustrated.  I read how someone is making money after only 2 months and that certainly didn't make me feel any better.  I am willing and ready to work hard and put in the hours to make this work and be a success but that's really hard to do when I don't understand a darn thing that I'm doing.  I feel like I am studying to be a doctor online the way that I have to teach myself everything.  What a difference in-classroom instruction makes.  I don't want to quit because I feel it would be throwing away all the hard work I've done thus far but at the same time I need to do something that is going to generate money for me now, not years from now.  I knew this was going to be hard when I got into it, I just didn't realize it would be this hard.  What I would give for a fairy godmother and her magic wand right now!

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morlandroger Premium
Stick with it. Your post shows that you can write coherently and in good English and does not suggest to me that you are not intelligent enough to do well. My earnings so far are minimal but I do see how this IM thing can work. jdonn has great advice there. Work through the WAbinars. Jay has a some real good stuff to pass on. Also Robbeh and Bigman have both started walkthroughs of how they set up a campaign. Above all the thing to do is DO. Find a niche that YOU like and get stuck in. The biggest enemy in IM is doing nothing. Too much reading and not enough action. You have hosting here and a domain can cost pennies so go for it. Looking forwards to seeing you do well.
jdonn Premium
Don't be discouraged, it takes time for everything to fall into place (at least it did for me) and I'm still learning something new every day. It's rare for someone to be making money after only 2 months. And it can depend on other factors such as the niche you've chosen, amount of competing websites etc. I followed the action plan and changed my niche half way through, so I didn't have my site up until, oh, the very end (and I had the luxury of working at this 6 hrs a day on average). I have some suggestions for you. Start looking at Jay's wabinars (they've been recorded)..Looking at the videos is almost like classroom instruction. Start with the oldest one and maybe do one a day. Next, check out a tutorial by Thesue about getting organized (can't remember the exact title). She tells you how to set up an index card file (color coded) broken down by topic. These are just two of the many great videos and tutorials available. From what I hear many members here struggled at first then went on to become very successful! Don't give up! Feel free to send me a PM if you need any help.

U Got Christina Premium
From one newbie to another: Hang in there, sister! You're obviously smart enough because you're smart enough to reach out for help!
It may not be brain surgery, but we are definately earning a PhD! This has been as challenging as my master's degree, so don't be hard on yourself!
I remember (and still sometimes feel) overwhelmed with information. Trying to figure out what order to do what, where should I be, and what it all meant was giving me 'informational vertigo.'
I don't know if you are like me, but I had printed out a ton of information and tutorials. What I did was put it all out on the floor, organized and labeled everything. With the 30 days training as my guide, I put it in order and prioritized. I gave myself goals every day on 8x5 notecards and took copious notes in a notebook on article ideas, and things I eventually want to study. Then I put new ideas out of my mind and focus on the 30 days and Quick Start training and daily to dos. Not all of them get done, and priorities change, but I update all my notecards weekly and have 'now,' 'next,' 'soon' and 'eventually' segments.
This is all so new to me, the only way I can make it manageable is organization, doing it piece by piece and not letting myself stress over how much more there is.
Also - I go to the forum a lot - skimming for answers or asking my silly questions. Poeple have been wonderful!
I hope this is of some help - I know you are not alone! Feel free to im me anytime and we can help encourage each other.
All the best - Christina
ijs182 Premium
First of all, don't feel down!! These things always take different amounts of time for every person and the fact you are working on it everyday is going to pay off eventually. I wouldn't worry if someone is making money "quicker" than you. How do you know they're not putting in more time than you for example?

I can empathise with you with all the information available. It's a lot to take in. The first couple of days for me I spent clicking on a million links each taking me to a new training article!! I have stopped myself doing that now and just follow the 30 day success club emails.

Perhaps going back through those from the start and check everything off as you go along may help?

If there is anything I can (try to) help with then message me. But stick at it, you seem very smart from the conversations we've had so far so I'm absolutely sure you can do this.

Ian :-)
muskyblood Premium
Hi - I know it can be very frustrating. I have been here 2 years now, and I don't make a living online. I do make a little extra every month to help out though, and can see that the opportunity to make a lot more is there. I felt the exact same way feel a few years ago, I just decided I wanted to make it work so I would not give up, and I still carry that attitude. PM me if you'd like, I can try to help you with some of the things you are really struggling with.