Effective Squidoo Modules

Last Update: June 17, 2010

I am sure you already know to add a guest book to your lens.  Be sure to change the module title to something that relates to your lens.  It's encouraging and fun to read comments from other lensmasters. 

Note: you can remove any comments that you do not like.  

Have you tried the Text with Big Picture?  This one looks great especially if you have a very detailed product or photograph you'd like to show off.

If you are creating a lens about your town, or a vacation, you will want to use Photo Gallery.  It does work best if you do not let the photos "flip".  

If you can find an appropriate video to add to your lens, do that.  just go to the video module.    A video module can even add music to your lens.  I always add Christmas music to my Christmas lenses!  add a note that says "listen to this as you read" or something similar.  Who knows?  music might keep someone on your lens long enough to buy something!

Here's one of my favorite lenses -- and I just noticed it does not have any music!  Improvements to be done!



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moonvine Premium
Thank you Carrie. our married daughter was kind enough to share the pictures and i think the pictures really help that lens pop! Thank you for looking at it!
Carrie Premium
Moonvine, I love this lens. I've yet to make one at Squidoo, but this is just the kind of thing that has interested me in other online projects and real-life responsibilities.

You've done so well with this one. I'm envious. Congratulations on it.