Posts by Moonvine 47
August 30, 2010
Farewell, folks!  I hope you all make a fortune and make all your dreams come true!  I have learned from you and appreciate your friendship and warm welcomes. I hope I will continue to see some of you on line at Squidoo or on your blogs! Thank you all!    
August 20, 2010
There are 13 lenses on this one lens -- be sure to read them all. This lens is a production of SquidMark. SquidMark is the sign of Squidoo Marketing.  this is a SquidMark lens.  to join Squidoo Marketing, go to  You will be warmly welcomed. great community -- and yes, it's free.  SquidMark Squidoo Tips I know I am most likely preaching to the choir on this subject.  But if you will, continue to encourage WA writers who use Squidoo to check
I just discovered the new Title tool at Ezine and watched the video.  I am really excited about this.  In the past, article writing has been such an issue for me.  But this is like key word search and title all in one. To use this new tool, go to your Ezine account and click on Author Tools, Title Suggestions. You will be taken to a page that pretty well explains it.  You put in a word or words that you would like to write about, and voila, up pops a list of keyword searched
August 06, 2010
If you want to see an absolutely perfect, totally unselfish lens, you must see this one.    A Home for Hummingbirds and if you are new to Squidoo, there are some things to notice here and learn from, too. The creator of the lens has used the Text with Big Picture module to make her photos show up large and gorgeous. She has uploaded her own videos, too.... Notice that her text is spead out throughout the lens -- not one huge paragraph on the whole page.  And she gives us ins
Again and again in our WA forum, I read that someone has been blocked by the spam filters at Squidoo.  And again and again, I post this link. but I am going to say it again here -- if you are going to use Squidoo, you need to read the rules.  And one of the simplest explanations written by the SquidTeam is at SquidDon't!   I love Squidoo - and have been writing there for 3 years.  And I have watched as new lensmasters pop over to Squidoo and create a lens, all excited a
August 01, 2010
I am starting my third month of return to WA -- and yesterday I reset my goals for the month. At WA, I intend to complete the starter lessons.  period!   I got stuck in there somewhere and stopped making progress.  I will read all of those lessons this month -- and act on some of them, too. I will focus on 3 niches for the month -- only!   I decided yesterday that part of my problem is simply working in so many areas at once.   I re-read part of Conversations with Nick (
July 30, 2010
Today is already a success -- I learned something.  I have belonged to Pepperjam affiliate programs ever since they started, but never used them because I don't like banners and did not know how to show just a product. Today I got brave (thank you , WA - I am learning to ask questions!), and the nicest lady at pepperjam has helped me all morning!   Whew!  Now I have access to tons of products ............  Why had I not asked for help before?  Because I felt stupid askin
July 29, 2010
Our daughter recently attended a workshop for making Facebook Fan Pages for dental offices.   She purchased the speaker's book -- and while at the beach last weekend, I read it and totally enjoyed it.  The book is easy to read and understand.  and yes,  I will be making a new facebook page this next week.  Tons of step-by-step instructions -- my kind of book!  :)  I have 3 or 4 facebook pages already, but it appears from what he is doing that the faceboo
July 23, 2010
Well, I just had to publish one more lens before vacation!  Daughter and son-in-law attended a Jersey Shore party and the pictures were super -- so yes, a lens had to be made......  Host a Jersey Shore Party  And how is that helpful to you?   Well, you can make a Squidoo lens out of every party you or your children attend!   and Zazzle had tons of products to be advertised!   and Amazon even had a few!  Have fun!   I will return next week, totally
1 comment
A real victory for me.  I had tried US Free Ads before, but then read The Coveted USF/Clickbank Technique that was written by one of our WA members -- Benjamin.  I cannot find the link again right now, or his WA name, but I can tell you that I was impressed with his simple plan.    I have put this off for over a week.  Reading and re-reading his tutorial.  And I finally jumped out there and did it this morning.  Now if I can do one of these a day and keep impr