Hummingbirds and Squidoo!

Last Update: August 06, 2010

If you want to see an absolutely perfect, totally unselfish lens, you must see this one.    A Home for Hummingbirds

and if you are new to Squidoo, there are some things to notice here and learn from, too.

The creator of the lens has used the Text with Big Picture module to make her photos show up large and gorgeous.

She has uploaded her own videos, too....

Notice that her text is spead out throughout the lens -- not one huge paragraph on the whole page.

 And she gives us instructions -- exact instructions - on how she built the "big nest"..........

and she also gives us a nectar recipe.

and then she sells a few hummingbird products.............

from now on, every time i think of a question about hummingbirds, I will think of "bakerwoman" and rush to her lens.  Granted, I love the hummingbirds.......

but..........even if she sells nothing with this lens ever -- got that?  --- even if she sells nothing from this lens ever, she will most likely receive a Squidoo Purple Star, she should get Lens of the Day, and I intend to be one of the ones who nominates her for that, and month after month, she will most likely be in the top tier at Squidoo.   (Top Tier lenses are averaging about $22 a month now or more.)   And she has built on her following, her fans at Squidoo.  I for one will pay attention every time she publishes a new lens.  The lady knows what she is doing!

 I hope you enjoy as much as I did!





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iFaith Premium
Beautiful lens Joan - finding myself humming ;o) Another great Squidoo lens sample - thanks!
moonvine Premium
Thank you! I am joan4 at Squidoo. Please drop by any of my lenses any time! I am not a fancy lensmaster at all but I do enjoy it very much. My sister (Ohme at Squidoo) does all the fancy html and stuff. so look at hers for the fancy. she is very artistic. (we have so much fun doing squidoo together tho we live 4 hours apart.)
jatdebeaune Premium
That is a beautiful lens. Great pictures and very clear text. I love hummingbirds too. We have them here. Fascinating to watch. There are certain flowers they really like. They even like me when I wear yellow. Thanks Joan. I want to see your lenses too. I'm sure they're great.
moonvine Premium
Thankyou, Wildflower! I appreciate the visits! always! I cannot take credit for that hummingbird lens though. that is way beyond my capabilities as a lensmaster or photographer. she did a beautiful job with that!
wildflower40 Premium
I have gone to your lens and they look great! I have to check out this lens-thanks