Fun with Blog Talk Radio

Last Update: July 18, 2010

We always have fun with our blog talk radio shows and you are invited!   Stop in and say hello!  Visit in the chat room, or call in and participate.

Would you like to be a special guest?  Send me a note.  Tell me about you.  If your profile fits our subject matter and goals for the show, you just might be one of our next guests!

Giant Squid Open Mike - All about Squidoo techniques, strategies and getting to know folks at Squidoo.  Tomorrow our guest is lensmaster, Bevspaper.  Bev is a personal friend of ours and will be discussing her fascinating blog at Crabby's Beach - Native American Totems.

Bev is one of the leaders at Professional Squids and a very successful lensmaster.  

Join us at 5 EST Tuesday to meet Bev!  You will love her!  And learn from her, too!


Moon Moo and You - The Collective Wisdom - is a spiritual search discussion.  We talk about all kinds of things on that show.  Tomorrow evening our guest is 2020 and his beautiful wife and photographer, Carol Wingert.  We will be discussing simplifying and decluttering our lives.  2020 and Carol always get rid of 4 things a day.   If you have not met these delightful folks, you are missing a treat!

6:00  EST  Tuesday

 Both shows are casual and fun -- and always informative!


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moonvine Premium
Oh Joan! I was hoping one of those guests was you! Thank you! Yes, we are casual and it's always fun! Like drinking coffee together or something! Yep, your Mom would forgive you if you got rid of the pottery I think. I hope my kids don't hesitate on that kind of stuff. but.......there are certain things I do hope they will lol
jatdebeaune Premium
I caught a portion of both shows. It was like sitting with you in your living room. It was funny because we're getting rid of clutter too. We have pottery from our mom's collection that we think is ugly, but we're sentimental. Maybe Mom wouldn't mind if we get rid of it.
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm going to do my best to attend. Would like to be there for both of them, particularly The Collective Wisdom. Thanks Joan.
moonvine Premium
Oh Joan! That would be fun!
All you need to do is go to
the websites on the box that has our show name and the present date.....and just listen via your computer.
you might want to go out there early and join Blog Talk Radio, so you can sign in at show time. That way, you can scroll on down and enjoy the chat room too.
(I think you can join the chat without joining BlogTalkRadio, but some people tell me they cannot do it that way!)

I do hope you will join us for one of the shows -- or both!!!!!
jatdebeaune Premium
That sounds like so much fun. How do I tune in?