Hub Does not like my review

Last Update: June 19, 2010

As I have said before, I am learning hubpages this summer. 

 Today I did a little quick review of a book I bought for my sister's birthday.  I thought it was funny and would be simple to do.  No biggie really.  Not much $$ involved. just trying to build up my hubs.

Well, I used a few quotes from the book -- just to show the humor.  Hub says it has too much duplicate content.  

Now I know from experience that this information could have been on Squidoo with no problem.   Quotes from a book when doing a book review are the norm, not unusual at all.  and yes, I have plenty of original content to offset the quotes.

 So............ Lesson learned.   no more book reviews at Hubpages.

If you want to see the offending hub, here it is, but I will probably just remove it in a few days.  not worth the trouble to make 25 cents on a book sale.

Being Dead is No Excuse



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scuttledog Premium
I loved it. I gave you an up vote and rated it awesome. They are crazy.
Carrie Premium
I loved your article, Moonvine. I'm from the South and I know these people. I have no experience with Hubpages, but you should save the article for use elsewhere.
moonvine Premium
Thank you both. For sure I don't understand the problem. I am going to wait a couple days and then just remove it. But yes, I laughed so hard just reading the quotes that I was crying! lol
jatdebeaune Premium
Good review. Sounds like a hilarious book. My mom's from the south, and that's exactly what they do. As a matter of fact, unwittingly, I've picked up those habits and I'm a Yank. When my uncle in CT died, I catered the buffet that took place after the wake. All southern fare. Southern family was greatly comforted. I don't know what HubPages is talking about. I loved it.
ana_nimoss Premium
I read the offending hub, and I didn't see any problem... I thought it was a very well written piece...