I Need a Mentor

Last Update: June 24, 2010

I need some help here. And I can't find the appropriate place to put this on the forum.

I need one of you experts to guide me in using the new WA affiliate program (I really like the one just announced about WordPress Express.

Do I offer to pay one of you?  How does all this work?  I just need a nanny or a babysitter.  I can use most of the tools pretty well.  or I think I can.

Do I want an article writer to write 5 -10 articles usign those key words and link to a go daddy name that goes to the site?  

just help me get the ABC's down ..........and the protocol......

 anybody want to adopt me?

wanna trade some Squidoo hand-holding for some WA affiliate handholding?

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Shaselle Premium
I will send you a PM after your reply. Take care.
Shaselle Premium
Hello my dear,
Wordpress express is easy, so easy that I did it without thinking and it wiped out my blog and funnel. :( I hope Kyle will be able to help me.
For now I think I might be able to help you set it up. First, Do you have a domain? If you do then you can start now or if not, then go get a domain from godaddy first. Do not use an existing domain that you use for your website (read my blog) or suffer the consequences. :)