I Refuse to Work for Pennies

Last Update: July 07, 2010

Okay.  I have had enough.  Putting my foot down!

No more will I promote a product that pays me less than $20 commission.  Why have I wasted so much time?

10 sales at $1 or $2 or even less commission -- brings me $20.

10 sales at $25 commission  brings me $250.


Hours and hours and hours later, the lightbulb works!

I sold a TV yesterday via a Squidoo lens.  Made $6.  I do try to use my own affiliate link half the time and the Squidoo module half the time.  It's only fair.  I am using Squidoo's system.

But today -- today I am switching all those tv's to my own link! 

It's my turn!!        :)

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Louise M. Premium
Oh I agree with that. Never under $20. I don't dare telling it to people who make their first sale and earn $1 and feel happy about it. It's of course encouraging but... I wouldn't do it. It's not worth the effort. My first sale was a $46 commission! :)
Marcus Premium
Great point!

And you know the funny thing?

It usually takes just as much effort to sell something at $200 as it does at say $10. The art is in the marketing ;)

As for Squidoo...yeah, cut their monetization methods out as much as possible. Better still, create your own website where you have TOTAL control over all the money links :)


jatdebeaune Premium
Agree. If you spend your time and money promoting you want to make a decent commission. It's only fair.
Moonstone Premium
WOW good for you.
maureenhannan Premium
Good for you, Moonvine! I feel the same way...mostly. I don't mind working for pennies if I'm the one getting all of the pennies. :-) And as long as the one-time all-out effort can keep those pennies coming in forever and ever. Trying to get there....it's hard to sell something so big and get so little for it, isn't it? (Congrats on the sale, though. You know what you're doing with those lenses of yours.)