Lists and lists and more lists!

Last Update: July 15, 2010

Today is catch up day for me!  Saturday is the day I do all the week's work that did not get done during the week!

 I have daily check off list, a weekly check off list, project lists,  -- and now must look at what I did not get done this week -- and the list is too long.

Having a game plan does help me, but I think maybe I need to evaluate my time and expectations.  But again, this has been a week of unusual events -- a friend who was widowed suddenly, auto repair, haircut  appointment and of course, the British Open.  ( I am not watching it, but hubby is -- and requires lots of snacks -- and there are golf matches that surround the Open, etc)

So first thing this morning, I will spend an hour or so evaluating.   And the big question is "which item on my to-do list will actually make money the fastest?"

PS - My Squidoo check this month was the best ever -- not huge, but my personal best -- so I am learning how to better monetize those lenses!

 and somehow this week, I must learn how to use a group of PLR articles I purchased.  and use them.  Resources sitting her unused is a total waste!

 Have a happy weekend, everybody!   Take time to play -- and that means me, too!


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moonvine Premium
lol I just noticed that I posted as if today was Saturday!! Oh the perils of working at home! Well, I am playing catchup today anyway since I started. Maybe I will play all weekend!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Joan, With the list in hand, I hope that there is also a "do something fun for Joan" task. Our work is so intense, that sometimes we forget that we are human. Have a great weekend.
iFaith Premium
And the big question is "which item on my to-do list will actually make money the fastest?" You said it best Joan! This will definitely make all things in the lists clearer and making your choice easier - allowing for work to start and results to occur faster! Take time to play - Oh my, I really need this - having plans this weekend - girls chat party to go to! Later!