Squidoo Payday

Last Update: June 15, 2010

We all like to make money at Squidoo, right?   Today I want to look at how you make that Squidoo cash.

Every month Squidoo pays high ranking lensmasters.  You will not get rich from your rankings, but if you are like me at all, every little bit helps.  And last month, top tier lenses received over $20.   Top tier is tough to get into, but if you have a top tier lens, you know you have a successful lens that is receiving lots of visits (including Google), interaction, rankings -- a good test for your lens.

Squidoo tiers look like this:

-Tier One: Lenses with an average LensRank of #1 to #2,000
--Tier Two: Lenses with an average LensRank of #2,001 to #10,000
--Tier Three: Lenses with an average LensRank of #10,001 to #85,000

For more official discussion of Squidoo payouts, please read

Getting Started with Squidoo

See ya tomorrow!

PS   Toadstools and Snails Bento Box was Lens of the Day yesterday.  Take a look at this one and congratulate the Lensmaster.  Notice how she used her right hand column widgets.

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moonvine Premium
Yes, Phil, you are so right. Following Lens of the Day gives you the opportunity to see the best of the best!
moonvine Premium
I am glad that post was helpful. I can't take credit for that Bento Box lens, Carrie. The lensmaster who did that one is named enslavedbyfairies. I do think it is wonderful and worth study. She is very talented lensmaster for sure!
phbreez Premium
thanks.....I'll jump over there too and take a look. I am just learning the squidoo ins and out and found they have a terrific set up over there....the Lens of the day i get in my email and there are tons of great ideas to follow and mirror. Thanks Phil
Carrie Premium
Hi, Moonvine !I read the Bento Box lens and am blown away by its creativity and design. Thank you for sharing. You are such an accomplished Squidgal. I've been away from keyboard a few days but am ready to start pushing through the lessons again. My cut thumb is really slowing down my typing and writing, but I can read. Have a productive week. I'm glad you're here.