Using HTML on Squidoo

Last Update: June 30, 2010

If you are like me, HTML is a foreign language indeed.  The easiest way to learn is to visit these fine lenses.  HTML sparks your lens, makes it more interesting and readable. And it's fun to play with colors, too. 

One word of warning - don't get carried away with the fancy stuff.  That will make your lens look junky.

Oh, before I give you the list, have you checked out the themes in your edit box?  You can change themes and the holiday themes are especially nice.

A few lenses for HTML  on Squidoo!   Enjoy!  Again, these are not my lenses.  These are lenses I use often!

HTML Borders Backgrounds

HTML for Photos - A Tutorial for the Semi-Clueless

Basic HTML for Squidoo


I strongly suggest you bookmark these.  You will refer to them again and again!



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jatdebeaune Premium
Once again Joan, thank you. I will bookmark them. I think you deserve gold!